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Orana Holistic Therapies

Drumnagoal, Skreen, Ireland
Massage Service



Reflexology, ACE Massage Cupping & Magnetic Micro Cupping, Sinus Drainage, Indian Head Massage, Hopi Ear Coning.
By appointment. 24hr cancellation policy Refelxology,ACE tm Massage cupping, Magnetic Microcupping, Bowen Technique Sinus Drainage, Indian Head Massage & Hopi Ear Coning



Spring sunshine invigorates the body and soul. Take time to look after both. Here at Orana Holistic Therapies the therapies I offer do all of this. Call 0879269196

As Lent begins on Wednesday I have decided to take a break from Facebook (well as much as I can) and have started reading this book. I have long dreamed of learning Bowen Technique and this year may perhaps see that happening.

367 likes!!!!! Thank you everyone Lets see if we can get to 400 Invite your friends to like my page

Somethings to bear in mind if things are getting the better of you. Click the pic below to see more

Please invite your friends to like my page. #sharingiscaring, spread the word. Holistic Therapies supporting your health naturally.

So two weeks ago I started in our local couch to 5k. #skreendromardcommuintytransformatiom I have never been athletic (built for comfort not for speed 😉) Today I actually managed to run for 4 minutes. 🏃🏃⏲ I do however have shin splints so have had to run on the grass. I've been using the magnetic micro cups to help with the discomfort in my shins. They have made a huge difference. So if are someone who runs regularly or you know someone who runs regularly, who is new to running let them know about this amazing therapy that I do. Its not just for injuries, it helps keep the muscles healthy, supple and strong thereby reducing the risk injury in the 1st place. #newtorunning, #magneticmicrocupping, #shinsplints, #fitforlife, #couchto5k

Think of reflexology if you are in the process of trying for a baby. Click the link below for a nice article on it benefits for fertility. Call me on 087 9269196

Thank you Deborah Dixon for inviting people to like my page. Sharing is caring. So invite your friends to like my page please.

Booking & Cancellation policy 🌟We understand that sometimes appointment times need to be changed or cancelled which we will be more than happy to assist you. However we would be greatful if clients could give us at least 24hrs notice to ensure we have the time needed to offer these spaces to other clients waiting for an appointment and to avoid 50% cancellation fee. 🌟Cancellations can be made by calling or messaging me on 0879269196, or via the Orana Facebook page. ❤ Thank you for your understanding, Rachel


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