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Appletree Health and Wellness

No 126 Ranelagh Village, Ranelagh, Ireland
Mental Health Service



Conveniently located in Ranealgh, Appletree Health and Wellness offers a quiet, comfortable and confidential setting for a range of Holistic therapies and Counselling services. Holisitic Therapy Centre offerng a range of complementary therapies including:

•  Holistic Nutrition  
•  Counselling  
•  Acupuncture
•  Organisational Supervision  
•  Psychotherapy
•  Reflexology
•  Movement Therapy  
•  Shiatzu and Kappo
•  Homeopathy


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Wellbeing for Everyday Life with Psychologist Maeve Halpin; a weekly hour-long show that addresses the stresses and challenges of modern life in a practical and compassionate way.

Intro to the Bach Flower Remedies

#BachFlower Remedies - how to use them beyond the Rescue Remedy -this day is a hands-on session of discussion, exercises and casework. Participants will come away with a good overview of Flower Essences and how to use them in practice. Sat Aug 20th Ranelagh 10-4pm €65 with Homeopathy Dublin

Intro to the Bach Flower Remedies

The Biochemic Tissue Salts - an Introduction

This coming Sat 16th, The 12 #TissueSalts - a 1 day workshop. Sound introduction to each cell salt, their clinical indications and paper cases which will have you prescribing with confidence. Places limited - book now. With Homeopathy Dublin

The Biochemic Tissue Salts - an Introduction

Counteract Stress with Rolfing and Movement Education - Appletree Health and Wellness

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Counteract Stress with Rolfing and Movement Education

What is Rolfing ? Rolfing/Structural Integration is a system for improving the human structure. It is a form of deep connective tissue manipulation and movement education. It is aimed at creating a more balanced, upright body. The body's connective tissue is 'plastic', therefore changeable, so that the human body can be anatomically ordered and re-aligned. Did you know, that if the head is thrust forward just an inch, the neck muscles have to carry it's weight of 20 - 30 pounds? [ 252 more words. ]

Ranelagh Zen Group Meditation Sun 7 Feb 9am to 1pm. - Appletree Health and Wellness

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Ranelagh Zen Group Meditation Sun 7 Feb 9am to 1pm.

The Ranelagh Zen Group will host a meditation morning on Sunday 7 February. 9am to 1pm. Sitting and walking meditation; tea break; dharma talk/discussion. Cost €15. All are welcome. Please contact James at 087 903 6994 with any questions

Reiki Moves: healing small group class on Thursdays - Appletree Health and Wellness

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Reiki Moves: healing small group class on Thursdays

Reiki Moves at Appletree Health and Wellness is a small group class - max 6 people per each slot - that combines Reiki treatment with subtle sensitive movement. Slots are on Thursdays 11.15am to 12pm and 12.15pm to 1pm Reiki originated in Japan in the early 1900s by Master Usui. It is a beneficial natural healing treatment that occurs through light touch hand position on our crown, front, back of the head, neck, chest and abdomen and our back. [ 267 more words. ]

Ranelagh Zen Group

Renewal - a day of Open Floor Movement Practice - Appletree Health and Wellness

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