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Mac Lochlainn Financial Solutions

market squre, Kildare, Ireland
Professional Service



I have Financial Advisory Business.We have a suite of products not available on the open market to suit Bus & families,from Mortgages, pensions to home Ins  At Mac Lochlainn Financial Solutions we strive to;

Provide you with an excellent array of products that offer value for money and meet your individual needs.

Build long-term relationships with you that enable you to benefit from our expertise and range of products

Communicate regularly with you and provide you with easy to understand information on all aspects of your business with us.

Our success is based on the superior performance of our managed funds and on delivering excellent customer service at all times.

We believe that the race for Quality Service, Quality Products and Quality Performance has no finish line and our commitment to continuous improvement in our service, products and performance is never ending.

We look forward to doing business with you


“If you do nothing else in 2017, start a pension”

Future proof: Mind pension plan gap before time runs out

Irish mortgage rates almost twice euro zone avg

BoI admits overcharging on thousands of tracker mortgages

Have you been effected by this " oversight"?? Are you sure?

Taxes? There’s an app for that!

Will this Revenue app help you or it it just another app taken up space on your Smartphone?

Ellistown Christmas party is Friday 9th December in the clubhouse Prices are 5€ per child or 10€ per family Photos with santa will be available Tea and coffee will be available for parents 🎄☃🖒

13 European countries ranked by standard of living

Very interesting read, easily explained and broken down. How much of your wages do you feel in your pocket V's other EU countries. Far away hills are not always greener!

Noonan 'not unhappy' with mortgage rules review

A few subtle changes to the mortgage rules! It will help some, however not as much as an amendment to the multiple of income would have! Still feel if one person in a couple is a FTB then I think the FTB rules should apply not a the second time buyers rules for both as it currently stands.

What to do in your 20s/30s...if you don’t want to be broke in your 60s

Good article, with some key points. Most important of all is if you have a financial advisor you trust to guide you through life, you will be better off than without one!

Irish mortgage rates fall but still twice euro area average

Even with increased competition in the lending market, we still are way off the EU avg.

Mac Lochlainn Financial Solutions's cover photo

Mac Lochlainn Financial Solutions's cover photo


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