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Homemade Probiotics

Tallaght, Dublin, Ireland



Make your own Fermented Foods. The bacterias are our friends and ancestors. They will give you healthy and beautiful Mind & Body.


IT IS THE SEASON FOR FERMENTED CUCUMBERS! You need similarly-sized, small and washed cucumbers. Fill the jars (or a big bawl) with them as tight as you can. Into each jar place dill, peeled garlic, a few whole peppercorns and mustard seeds, cherry leaves or bay leaves. Mix salt into water (one tablespoon per 1l. boiled water) until dissolved and then pour the mixture over cucumbers, ensuring that they are submerged in. Let them sit at room temperature for three days until they change color and are acidic and flavorful. Do not forget to drink the juice! Preparation takes only 10 minutes and how many benefits!

The Top 10 Cancer Causting Food The most unhealthy are GMO vegetables and fruits!! Here you can see the list of food which, when cheap, are usually GMO and you have to buy ALWAYS organic. But there is also list of food which are never GMOs and you can always buy them on the cheappromotion in Lidl or Aldi. Anyway always wash them propely!

It's June Season - Do Not Be Late! June seasonal food:

Miso - Super Probiotic Miso is a fermented paste of cultured rice (koji), beans and salt. Koji is a mold that grows on rice, which is then mixed with cooked , organic soybeans. The mixture is salted and left to ferment between a couple of weeks to a couple of years! Miso is a traditional fermented food from Asia that has become more and more popular for the amazing flavours it brings and for the health benefits of miso. How to make sweet white miso. Here’s what you need: 500 grams soybeans 600 gr rice koji 100 gr sea salt - Start out by rinsing and soaking the soybeans for about 6 to 8 hours. - In the evening, preferably, cook the beans for about 4 hours or half an hour in the pressure cooker. - Mix warm soybeans using blender, leaving a few whole beans for looks. You may need a little water to get a good consistency. - Fill in container are placed in a warm corner of the kitchen for about a month so that the fermentation can get going. I made my miso two weeks ago, it looks and smells well but it needs a few more weeks. I bought 500 g Organic Rice Koji online

Flavoring & Fizzy Kombucha: The Second Fermentation When your kombucha is ready, choose your desired flavorings, add the fruit or juice to a clean bottle and fill it with kombucha. I added lots of ginger. After a week place it in the fridge to stop the fermentation. Enjoy!

Kombucha Startek Kit. Another 3 Scoobies produced on organic green/red tea and unrefined sugar/maple syrup are looking for good home. Free. Priv.

Did you know that you're posture and body usage has a direct impact on how youre inner world of nervous system, circulation, digestion and other functions work? They also are a representation of mood, feelings and personality. They impact how we work and our productivity. Here are some weird ways posture can affect you—and how you can get out of the slump: - Deepens depression - Causes career problems - Makes you look heavier - Cuts off your circulation - Stresses you out Improve Your Posture Today!

The Health Benefits of Steam Room and Sauna At last The Long Weekend starts, why not do something good for our body and mind - visiting a steam room or sauna? The heat from a sauna soothes nerve endings and warms and relaxes muscles, in turn relieving the tension from body and minimizing joint pain. Sauna calming the body and mind. The heat from the sauna helps the body release endorphins, a feel-good chemical that reduces the effects of stress on the body which can relax you enough to sleep better. The steam room helps to open up airways which improves breathing and alleviates congestion. This is highly beneficial for those that suffer from asthma and bronchitis, as it helps with sinus relief. The steam room increases metabolism and can aid with weight loss it help to remove toxins and cleanses the body.

If It's Raining, Bring Back Your Memories! Summer is the time for making memories: seaside relax, mountain climbing, sunrise, lazy afternoons, fermented food ;) Susumu Tonegawa, a Nobel-winning molecular biologist at MIT, recently completed research with experiments to see whether artificially triggering happy memories in the brain could help with treatment of depression. According to Tonegawa, “When we make a happy memory, engram cells undergo physical and chemical changes to encode it. We can retrieve it when those cells are triggered.” He performed experiments on mice to test his conclusions and although he admits his research isn’t conclusive, he’s optimistic that someday a happy-memory-triggering device could be an effective tool to treat depression. (“Triggering Happy Memories, Scientifically”, Boston Globe)

Relax, It's The Weekend!! Stress will Make you Fat, Depressed, Impotent, and Dumb While Trying to Kill You! Stress is A Silent Killer... ... sometimes called A Killer Without A Face. Stress can have a very negative effect on the body and has been known to cause high blood pressure, stroke, and heart attacks.

My first Natto :) 🤗 🎉🎊

Natto: The Fermented Soy Superprobiotic. Natto is made by soaking whole soybeans, then steaming or boiling them, and afterwards adding the bacteria Bacillus subtilis to the mixture. It is then allowed to ferment over time. The ammonia smell of Natto may evoke a mixture of old socks and cheese. As for the texture, it’s resembles a gooey, stringy and sticky small bean, which also adds to its unappealing nature. You may only love it or hate it. the more common health benefits you can expect: - Beriberi (B vitamin deficiency) - Fights Cancer - Chronic fatigue syndrome - Endometriosis - Fibromyalgia - Infertility - Pain Muscle spasms - Uterine fibroids - Treating gastrointestinal conditions. - Prevent allergic disorders. - Increasing immune reaction of intestinal cells. Effective against high cholesterol. - Effective against osteoporosis and hip fractures. - Fights against fibromyalgia. - Lowers blood pressure and improves circulation. - Less risk of colon cancer. - Less risk of breast cancer (as soy appears to lengthen the menstrual cycle). - Prevents stroke, heart attack and heart disease. - Prevents vitamin-deficiency disease. - Reduces the symptoms associated with menopause. - Relieves constipation. Here are the ingredients you’ll need: - 600 g of soybeans - 50 ml of water - 2 spoons of Natto starter 1. Soak soybeans for overnight 2. Boil for around 2- 3 hours. 3. Drain the cooked beans and place them in a sterilized dish. Add the natto starter to the beans, following the package instructions. 4. Stir everything together using a sterilized spoon, making sure all beans come into contact with the starter mix. Cover the dish and place it in the oven or dehydrator to ferment for 24 hours at 100°F (32 - 37°C). 5. Store in the freezer for later use.


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