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Midleton Physiotherapy

23, St Mary’s Road, Midleton, Cork, Ireland
Medical & Health



Chartered Physiotherapists Delivering Successful Physiotherapy Solutions in Midleton Since 1989 ... - Delivering  Successful Physiotherapy Solutions In Midleton Since 1989


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Can't touch your toes? Physiotherapy can help - issues in your lower back and pelvis can affect your hamstring flexibility. We are happy to advise.

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Achilles tendon pain? This is common in new runners and can be treated very effectively with physiotherapy. Get in touch with us at the clinic if we can help.

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The curse of the smartphone.

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Do you ever feel like you are walking on stones?Burning pain in the balls of your feet can be a sign of dropped anterior arches.Our physiotherapists can advise you on how to best manage this and many other painful conditions.

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Trust me, I'm a Physiotherapist

Just something interesting....sciatic nerve is alot bigger than you'd think!!

Trust me, I'm a Physiotherapist

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Looking after your back: Tip No. 5: Watching your weight is not only good for your general health, it is also good for your back. Studies suggest that obesity is linked to back pain. Furthermore, being overweight may make it more difficult to recover from an episode of back pain. Not what any of us want to hear in January....

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Looking after your back: Tip No. 4: Try to get out and exercise on a regular basis ( about 3 times weekly) to keep your body fit and strong. Technique can be very important to avoid injury, if you're not sure, ask someone who knows!

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Looking after your back: Tip No. 3: If you have a job that involves alot of sitting then get up on a regular basis (approximately every 30-40 minutes) to move around. Remember, we were never designed to be sedentary!

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Looking after your spineTip #2:If your mattress is between 10-14 years old it may be time to think about replacing it,especially if you wake up feeling stiff in the mornings

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With 24 vertebrae,over 120 muscles and 220 ligaments it's no wonder we sometimes run into trouble with our spines.Here are some tips to help keep yours in good order..... Tip #1....Keep moving!Long stationary periods can overload different areas of our spine,particularly if you have an injury.Rest is sometimes necessary but usually only recommended for acute pain and for relatively short periods of time.As human beings we were designed to move.More tips to follow.........

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If it aint broke don't fix it! Highly decorated Kenyan runner Priscah Jeptoo won a silver medal in the London 2012 Olympic marathon with a fast time in wet slippery conditoons. Yet what stood out that day was her unconventional running style, in particular her ankle and knee position - see picture! 5 years on she remains one of the top marathon and half marathon runners in the world. One theory is that she has always run that way allowing her tissues to adapt appropriately to the stresses she puts them through over time. Is anyone biomechanically perfect?

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Heres to a happy and healthy 2017.

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