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YHA Mei Ho House Youth Hostel YHA 美荷樓青年旅舍

Block 41 Shek Kip Mei Estate · Sham Shui Po, Sham Shui Po, Hong Kong



YHA Mei Ho House - Kowloon, is Hong Kong's newest, funkiest, most vibrant  Backpacker Hostel!   YHA Mei Ho House - Kowloon, is Hong Kong's newest, funkiest most vibrant Backpacker Hostel! FREE BREAKFAST!!!

Situated in the heart of Kowloon, we are only a few minutes walk from Sham Shui Po and Shek Kip Mei MTR stations. We are the perfect place to stay to explore Hong Kong - Asia's World City



【INSIDER SECRET 🔍】The “MOONCAKE festival” is coming! Have you ever noticed that there are some traditional wooden mooncake molds at HOUSE 41? People used them to make mooncakes as gifts when visiting friends and family around Mid-Autumn. Hungry now? display purpose only! 🙊 oops! 近年流行唔同既特色月餅,酥皮奶黃、冰皮、五仁、雪糕月餅……係四十一冰室既呢啲傳統月餅木模,仲有無人會係屋企用佢黎整月餅呢?🤔 #HOUSE41 #月餅 #中秋節 #ExploreTheWorldWithYHA

【小時候的情懷】「四十一冰室」的對面就是美荷樓的「四十一士多」。士多麻雀雖小卻五臟俱全,由香港的懷舊小食到玩具都應有盡有,包括叮叮糖、龍鬚糖等。竟然連傳統的雞公茶壺及杯也有。這些也是屬於香港人的回憶。你們有沒有特別掛念這些小時候的情懷呢? #四十一士多 #懷舊主題 #港人回憶 【Do you miss your childhood?】MINI 41 is right opposite HOUSE 41. It might be a little small but it has everything you need, ranging from old-style snacks to toys. You can even find vintage cock teapots and cups here! Take a look at MINI 41 and reminisce your happy memories! #FeelingNostalgic #HongKongStyle #MINI41

【Party animals, come out of hibernation!】Stressed at work and over school? No worries. Let’s eliminate your stress through enjoying our “8-Bedded Room Party Package”. A night with your besties with board games, breakfast, snacks and 8 sets of drinks provided is awesome! Our promotion in September is reaching its end. What are you waiting for? For Details : #EndofSummerHoliday #DontWasteYourTime 【派對時間又嚟喇﹗】 暑假就快完?唔緊要,快啲嚟享受YHA美荷樓青年旅舍推出嘅「8人房狂歡派對住宿優惠」,開學前玩個痛快!一晚8人房住宿連紙牌棋盤遊戲、早餐、小食連指定飲品等都包哂,隨住暑假就嚟結束,優惠至到9月尾咋,你仲等啲咩? 詳情 : #啱哂一大班人 #開學前玩個痛快

【HOUSE41 又有新推出喇﹗】YHA美荷樓內嘅「四十一冰室」新推出了數款美食。當中包括特別新推出東南亞國家嘅菜式如歐亞拼盤,即係而家有齊美式、越式、泰式和韓式等嘅小食。諗起都流口水﹗冰室仲提供埋素食架,快啲黎試下喇﹗ #四十一冰室 #打卡 #口水滴緊落黎 【Wake up! Foodies】HOUSE41 has just launched our new menu. We specifically have added Southeast Asia cuisine to our menu including American, Vietnamese, Thai and Korean food. Just the thought of it makes me DROOL! HOUSE41 also provides vegetarian meals. Try it!!! #HOUSE41 #Foodies #drooling

【INSIDER SECRET🔍】你童年玩咩大架呢? 記得以前細個鍾意玩飛行棋、 鬥獸棋。其實仲有好多好懷舊的棋類小玩意﹗四十一冰室入面就有幾個好例子,你又識唔識玩以下呢款? 🤣 #四十一冰室 #教育棋唔係我年代 #你地又鍾意玩咩棋 What did you play in your childhood? I liked playing Aeroplane Chess or Jungle. They are board games, being played by children or adults. In fact, there are tons of traditional chess games in Hong Kong. Do you know how to play the following one?

早前來自台灣真理大學的老師同學來到YHA美荷樓進行交流,接受客房訓練及了解活化計劃。感激你們享受學習,更寄了一封感謝書給我們的員工! 謝謝!💖 A while ago, teachers and students from Aletheia University came to YHA Mei Ho House for an exchange tour, acquiring knowledge of housekeeping and revitalization project. Thank you for staying with us and sending us a thank you letter! #SayHItotheWorld #ExploreTheWorldWithYHA #台灣真理大學

There is a special wall within YHA Mei Ho House, located in its G/F. Every tenant can show us their creativity on the wall, ranging from drawing to writing. 🎨 You can simply name it. These children, however, write down “I love you! Mei Ho House”. This is so sweet! 💖 美荷樓地下大堂有一堵特別的牆,歡迎入住旅客在牆上自由發揮,盡情展現自己的無窮創意!這一群小朋友真的很有愛! 「I love you! 美荷樓」❤ #小朋友天真可愛 #美荷樓 #自由發揮的牆

【Good News】Thank you for loving us! ❤ YHA Mei Ho House has been awarded 2017 Loved by Guests Certificate by! 🎉 We will continue to provide safe and simple accommodation for all travel lovers! 感謝各位對我哋嘅支持與熱愛!YHA美荷樓榮獲Hotels.com頒發的「2017 Loved By Guests Certificate」(2017住客最愛酒店)!你哋嘅支持係我哋最大嘅原動力! ❤ #LovedByGuests #ExploreTheWorldWithYHA

「旅行換旅行2017」活動現正展開:喜歡旅行的你,同我哋分享食住玩遊記,有機會贏走免費海外住宿! #立即搵返上次旅行啲相 #好似係雙人房兩晚住宿_仲要係紐西蘭_超正 【Exchange one trip for another!】 Share with us you unforgettable travel experiences and stand a chance to win free accommodations. #Welcome_share_to_us_in_english #New_Zealand

【Good News】YHA Mei Ho House Youth Hostel has been awarded Certificate of Excellence 2017 by TripAdvisor! A big thanks to all guests who have stayed with us – your support has been our greatest motivation to drive ourselves towards perfection! YHA美荷樓青年旅舍榮獲TripAdvisor頒發的「2017年度卓越獎」,感謝各位曾入住本會旅舍的旅客對YHA美荷樓的支持與熱愛!我們會努力做得更好,期待下次旅舍再見! #TripAdvisor #CertificateofExcellence #ExploreTheWorldWithYHA

【INSIDER SECRET🔍】Huama is a numeral system widely used in wet markets and local transportation before the 1990s. We've used Huama to present the lyrics of a famous Cantonese pop song! Sing along if you know it! 呢啲花碼仲有幾多人識得睇?話你知,呢啲喺四十一冰室嘅牌仔,其實係一首廣東歌嘅歌詞嚟架!知唔知係邊首歌呢? #HOUSE41 #什麼是花碼 #林子祥主唱的數字人生 #YHAMHH #ExploreTheWorldWithYHA


NEAR YHA Mei Ho House Youth Hostel YHA 美荷樓青年旅舍