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Walk In Hong Kong 活現香港

Good Lab, L1, The Sparkle, 500 Tung Chau St, West Kowloon, Hong Kong, Hong Kong



Crafting the best walking tours in town. Walk in Hong Kong offers lovingly-designed and well-researched walking tours in Hong Kong that are fun, informative and celebratory of the city’s tales, past and present, in all their gritty, quirky glory. We have two types of tours: by area – places that appear in tour guides as well as many that don’t – and by theme – urban myths, cemeteries, old shops and more. We invite everyone – tourists, expats and locals, young and old – to see the unseen Hong Kong.



Photos from Walk In Hong Kong 活現香港's post

【懷念何藩!】「一代宗師」何藩於上周日逝世(1931﹣2016),享年84歲。何藩是國際著名的攝影師,因拍攝五、六十年代的香港而聞名,成為亞洲最受歡迎的街頭攝影師之一。 他擅長融合煙霧、光影、幾何線條,捕捉香港最具魅力的城市面貌。何藩先生用盡一生於鏡頭後等待最美的時刻,記錄了香港被人遺忘的城市故事和生活點滴。願他的精神能與他的作品一樣長存於世。(相片來源:HK Yesterday) 【In memory of Mr. Fan Ho 】Mr. Fan Ho (1931 - 2016), ‘The Great Master’, passed away on last Sunday at the age of 84. He earned his fame as one of the most beloved street photographers in Asia. His works capture the beautiful street lives in Hong Kong in the 50s and 60s. His mesmerizing style of combining smoke, light, shades and geometric patterns adds magic to his masterpieces. Mr. Ho is dedicated in capturing the essence and soul of Hong Kong, much owing to his love for Hong Kong. May he rest in peace.(Photo source: HK Yesterday) #FanHo #oldhongkong #HKYesterday #一代宗師 #何藩 #walkinhongkong #wihk #活現香港

Photos from Walk In Hong Kong 活現香港's post

Photos from Walk In Hong Kong 活現香港's post

【Tai O Deity Parade!】Walk in Hong Kong joined with Tai O Heritage Hotel 大澳文物酒店 in bringing some families from Society for Community Organization (SoCO) to Tai O on the day of Dragon Boat Festival. Our co-founder Paul guided the group to witness the annual Dragon Boat Deity Parade, in which three fishermen associations paddled their dragon boats to visit four main temples, carry the deity statues in a water parade and pray for good fortune and communal peace. There were of course many more to see in the tour, say stilt houses, traditional snacks and shrimp paste stall. The tour ended with a visit to Tai O Heritage Hotel, the revitalized gem in the tip of Lantau Island. What a fruitful day for everyone! 【帶小朋友看遊涌!】活現香港與 #大澳文物酒店 聯手,邀請了 #社區組織協會 一班家庭,一家大小在端午節當日到訪 #大澳,欣賞一年一度的遊涌儀式,並走訪大澳其他特色地方,例如棚屋、傳統小食店及蝦膏蝦醬廠。我們當然不會錯過大澳文物酒店,聽前大澳警署的故事! #taio #dragonboat #taioheritagehotel #tohh #遊涌 #walkinkongkong

Photos from Walk In Hong Kong 活現香港's post

Photos from Walk In Hong Kong 活現香港's post

【街坊上電視!】TVB 節目 #街坊導賞團 嚟到第6集,今晚深水埗街坊、Walk In Hong Kong 活現香港嘅Olivia會帶著主持 #麥長青(#麥包)遊走呢一個舊區,探訪唔同街坊及有趣人物,最緊要係打破大家嘅錯覺:深水埗除左市井文化之外,仲有好多新潮得意事!今晚(6月21日)七點,記住留意! 「街坊導賞團」各集重溫: #TVB #深水埗 #深水埗街坊揮手區 #walkinhongkong #wihk #活現香港

Photos from Walk In Hong Kong 活現香港's post

致:立法會發展事務委員會委員 促請古物古蹟辧事處檢討現時歷史建築文物評審機制 - Hong Kong Walking Tour | 活現香港 Walk in Hong Kong |...

【#自己皇都自己救】Walk In Hong Kong 活現香港 致函立法會發展事務委員會委員,促請古物古蹟辧事處檢討現時歷史建築文物評審機制,並就舊皇都戲院評級爭議提出三項要求: 一)邀請合適專家參與評級:我們要求針對古蹟辦這次難以令人信服的建議評級,邀請其他專家參與舊皇都戲院的文物價值評審工作。 二)擴大早期公眾參與:我們要求與評審小組五名成員會面,要求詳細交代將舊皇都戲院評為三級的背後理據。 三)澄清評審準則:我們要求古蹟辦澄清,究竟評審其歷史價值時,是否依據專家口中「以年份比高低」的說法為原則,而這是否古蹟辦一直沿用的評審標準;就「社會價值」一項,究竟專家的說法 ﹣即否定「集體回憶」、輕視「社會價值」﹣是否為古蹟辦所認同及接納。 我們會密切留意明天(6月21日)早上的發展事務委員會會議。 信件全文: #自己皇都自己救 #SaveOurState #關注皇都戲院 #北角 #皇都戲院 #NorthPoint

Photos from Walk In Hong Kong 活現香港's post

【女神現身!】韓星李成敏(Clara Lee)係唔少人心目中嘅女神,早前佢嚟到香港拍攝旅遊特輯,活現香港好榮幸可以近距離與女神接觸,帶住佢同攝製隊去探索九龍城。李成敏喺「南門懷古」遺址前拍攝,份外有意境,我地向佢介紹九龍寨城有趣嘅歷史, 之後仲走訪幾間特色店鋪,嚐盡美食,包括早在城寨「三不管時代」已營業嘅魚蛋店! 【Clara Lee in Hong Kong!】Everyone will be stunned by the sheer beauty of Clara Lee, the famous Korean actress and model. We had the chance to bring Clara and the crew to explore Kowloon City for a travel show in South Korea. With Clara in front of the ruins of South Gate, our guide Megan explained the dramatic history of Kowloon Walled City. We also visited a few interestings shops in the neighbourhood, including the legendary fish ball maker whose factory was originally resided inside the slum of Walled City! #ClaraLee #KowloonCity #李成敏 Clara Lee #walkinhongkong #wihk #travelshow

Photos from Walk In Hong Kong 活現香港's post

Timeline Photos

Today will be the first "Public Day" of the 30th Hong Kong International Travel Expo. Come to say hello to us! We will also promote our new tour, Hong Kong Movie Tour, a 'highlight tour' to be promoted by the Hong Kong Tourism Board (Discover Hong Kong) this year. ---------------- Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre: Hall 1 (Booth K101, right by the fair entrance) 18 June (Sat): 10am - 7pm 19 June (Sun): 10am - 5pm #walkinhongkong #wihk #ITE2016 #DiscoverHongKong

Timeline Photos

Timeline Photos

【LGBT Tour!】Proud to announce our brand-new tour - LGBT in the City! A night walking tour through landmarks, haunts, alleys and bars in Central and Sheung Wan to explore Hong Kong’s LGBT history, activism, and culture through storytelling and games. Friends from any race, gender and sexuality are welcome! * * * * * LGBT in the City Date: 24 June 2016 (Friday) Time: 9:00pm to 11:30pm Meeting Point: Central MTR Station Exit K (ground level) Price: HKD 380 (adult only) (Free drink included) Registration: #LGBT #nighttour #nightwalk #lankwaifong #central #walkinhongkong #wihk

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Stories behind Hong Kong street names: the haunting past of Tsat Tsz Mui Road

In our North Point walking tours, we always share the story behind the name "Tsat Tsz Mui", literally translated as "Seven Sisters". Now you know!

Timeline Photos

Walk in Hong Kong will be in the Hong Kong International Travel Expo again this year. We will be promoting our new walk, "Hong Kong Movie Tour", which is recently selected as a 'highlight tour' to be promoted by the Hong Kong Tourism Board (Discover Hong Kong). Come visit us at Booth K101! ---------------- Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre: Hall 1 (Booth K101) 16-17 June (Thurs & Fri): Trade Days 18-19 June (Sat & Sun): Public Days #walkinhongkong #wihk #ITE2016 #DiscoverHongKong

Timeline Photos

Alan Walker

【Alan Walker嚟香港拍MV!】最近除左Scarlett Johannson喺香港拍電影,著名嘅音樂人 Alan Walker 都選擇係香港拍攝最新嘅music video "Sing Me to Sleep"。呢個MV捕捉左好多香港獨特嘅角落,好多都係我地行街團嘅行程之內。最驚喜嘅係,活字印刷工作坊嘅任生,都有份係MV裡面客串! 【Alan Walker in Hong Kong!】Famous British-Norwegian record producer Alan Walker chose to shoot his new music video in Hong Kong! This video, "Sing Me To Sleep", features a lot of interesting spots which are covered in our walking tours. You will be surprised to find our friend Mr. Yam, the letterpress master, in this video as well! :) #AlanWalker #SingMeToSleep #快啲搵多啲人嚟香港拍MV #咁樣宣傳香港仲有效 #walkinhongkong #wihk

PMQ 元創方

【夏日微旅程 - 童行同感 Summer Microadventure - Children‘s Imagination Run Wild!】這個暑假, Walk In Hong Kong 活現香港 會與 PMQ 元創方 合作,以「米」和「竹」為主題, 聯同 #TasteLibrary 及 KaCaMa Design Lab,帶領小朋友在上環及西營盤遊走,透過觀察、感受、思考、味嚐,探索感官的無限可能,啟發創意思考。現時開始報名,大人細路一齊嚟! #PMQ #感管導航 #親子團 #童行同感 #米同竹都有行街團 #活現香港 #walkinhongkong #wihk #上環 #西營盤

PMQ 元創方


【光輝歲月 x Walk In Hong Kong 活現香港】《光輝歲月》係一個以香港80年代為背景、希望讓大家重拾我們集體回憶嘅手機遊戲。我地今次嚟一次crossover,透過呢個遊戲介紹舊皇都戲院,希望更多人會認識這座鬧市中的文化堡壘。希望遲啲皇都戲院可以成為遊戲嘅場景之一,到時各玩家就可以係英皇道或者戲院嘅飛拱上面打個痛快! :) 拉闊 | Lakoo 光輝歲月遊戲專頁 #飛拱打交唔係夢 #皇都戲院 #活現香港 #walkinhongkong #wihk


NEAR Walk In Hong Kong 活現香港