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Yue Hwa Chinese Products Emporium Limited 裕華國貨

301-309, Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Shopping Mall



Since its establishment in 1959, Yue Hwa's commitment to the Hong Kong community has served to consolidate its position as one of the leading retail groups offering Chinese and other quality products.

We have expanded our operation to serve not only the needs of our local consumers, but also tourists and travelers from abroad. It is our goal, as one of the well-established retail groups in Hong Kong, to supply consumers with a diversified range of Chinese products and other brand-names in accordance with our stringent standards of quality and affordability.

From its early beginnings, Yue Hwa has managed to prosper throughout the territory in an increasingly competitive environment. With our determination to succeed, we have grown from a single small-sized department store in Hong Kong in 1959 to an extensive network of department store, and over a dozen specialty stores in the territory are managed by our subsidiary company, TCM Limited. Moreover, we have since opened three stores in Singapore, as well as branching out to property investments as far afield as Beijing and Vancouver, Canada.

Ever since the flagship department store opened at the junction of Nathan Road and Jordan Road in 1976, Yue Hwa has utilized its 80,000 square feet of retail space with effectiveness, filling its shelves with the finest Chinese products. Likewise, Yue Hwa's other Travel Essentials concept store and a chain of specialty stores are all situated in prominent locations and with a frequent pedestrian flow. Of course, Yue Hwa's position in the marketplace was not achieved overnight. From the first day of its establishment, Yue Hwa's management has striven to keep abreast of development in consumer tastes as well as sourcing the best quality Chinese products available.

As we look ahead, our aim is to nurture a trusting relationship where we understand our customers, allowing us to serve and to better fulfill their consumer requirements. Upon these foundations and always keeping abreast of the trend, we hope that your support and patronage could be continually counted upon in our endeavour towards building a prosperous future.

From exquisite Chinese arts and crafts, genuine and rare traditional Chinese medicinal herbs like Xizang cordyceps (Dong cong xia cao), raw ginseng, antler and birds' nests, famous Chinese tea, authentic Guizhou Mao Tai wine, precious jewellery, beautiful embroidery, fine silk and elegant brocades to simple daily necessities, Yue Hwa has always offered its customers a wide variety of goods, quality assured.



【康樂棋擂台爭霸戰 一Q成名好Easy🏆】 由裕華國貨主辦,可能喺全港……甚至喺全球首屆嘅康樂棋比賽,即將上演。冠亞季軍合共可以拎到$10,000裕華禮券、獎杯及精美獎品!🎉 無論您喺00後,唔知康樂棋係乜嚟;又或者您喺70、80後,一篤回憶返哂嚟,只要您夠12歲,骨格精「棋」,就可以參加。話唔定,仲可以同風度翩翩嘅豬肉佬、佐敦起蹍哥、神童小學雞、索爆OL棋后同場較技,一決雌雄💪🏼! 名額有限,報名從速。康樂棋王👑,可能喺您。 比賽詳情及報名: 嚟網店買檯苦練:

由裕華國貨主辦,可能喺全港……甚至喺全球首屆嘅康樂棋比賽,即將上演。冠亞季軍合共可以拎到$10,000裕華禮券、獎杯及精美獎品!🎉 無論您喺00後,唔知康樂棋係乜嚟;又或者您喺70、80後,一篤回憶返哂嚟,只要您夠12歲,骨骼精「棋」,就可以參加。🏃‍♂🏃‍♀ 比賽詳情及報名: 嚟網店買檯苦練: 名額有限,報名從速。康樂棋王👑,可能喺您。

每一對繡花鞋,都係靠住一雙巧手整出嚟嘅。 唔講唔知,查實蘇嫂都識整繡花鞋,有啲鞋款平時仲好少見添…… 雖然裕華暫時仲未有「蘇記鞋品」買,不過大家可以買我哋自家品牌「Golden Step」嘅繡花鞋先!一樣咁靚咁精緻㗎~'-Chinese-Cotton-Shoe 裕華網店同門市都有售,大家快啲嚟揀下喇!

佛教七寶蓄納了佛家凈土的光明與智慧,其蘊育着深刻的內涵,使之成為珠寶中的靈物。 七寶象徵著高尚、純潔、堅毅、安詳、富足、康健和圓滿,又代表著覺悟和智慧。 七寶 也稱「七珍」,指人間最寶貴的七種寶物,不同的經書所譯的七寶各不盡同,同一本經書,不同歷史時期所譯的不同版本中,所說七寶也不同,所以七寶並不是七種寶貝,而是泛指各種珍寶。 般若經的七寶是金、銀、琉璃、珊瑚、琥珀、硨磲、瑪瑙; 法華經的七寶是金、銀、琉璃、硨磲、瑪瑙、真珠、玫瑰; 阿彌陀經的七寶是金、銀、琉璃、玻璃、硨磲、赤珠、瑪瑙; 無量壽經的七寶是金、銀、琉璃、玻璃、珊瑚、瑪瑙、硨磲(指代各種珍寶)。 想認識更多關於佛教7寶,可親臨裕華總店地面pop up store

蘇嫂生日呀~! 3月踏入蘇嫂生日月,將有一連串慶祝活動,大家要留意住我地 facebook 專頁呀!!!!

Q. 大家估下蘇嫂值幾多錢? ❤ . . . . A. 蘇波榮:「絕對係無價之寶!! ....咦,但點解……裕華國貨入面會有我老婆嘅?幻覺嚟㗎啫!嚇我唔到嘅……」😜 **即日至3月18日【裕華】盤點清貨大減價!📢 有折扣同送現金購物券!😱買滿$1000仲送蘇嫂毛公仔!💖 快D黎啦!🏃‍♂🏃‍♂🏃‍♂ 👀 想睇下有咩減價? ->


聽日就係元宵節啦~ 除左食湯圓、猜燈迷,緊係要買返D野氹下你嘅情人啦! 依條頸鍊由449粒鑽石、58粒紅寶石同14粒藍寶石所組成,高貴脫俗~ 我地4樓工藝部舉行嘅 "寶翠盈輝珠寶首飾展" 有更多唔同嘅飾物比大家選擇 :)

講到元宵節,又點少得猜燈謎吖!話說,蘇蝦一身嘅衣著打扮咁奇特嘅?究竟佢扮緊邊一種食物呢? 登登登櫈,開估喇~答案就係…… . . . . . . . . . . . . 花生!

台灣美食節暨有機保健食品展又返黎喇!!!!!! 今次有近千款嘅台灣食品同有機保健食品! 想過一個美味又健康嘅農曆新年,一定要黎我地總店六樓展場辦年貨啦!!!

大家好,又到我Jack蘇出場喇~ 趁住新年假,心思思嚟個香港一日遊先。識玩一定係去「屋邨之旅」! 難得嚟到彩虹邨,掛住呀May囉囉攣。 七彩繽紛好壯觀,點影selfie都唔悶!


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