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, Stephanskirchen, Germany



Stephanskirchen is a municipality in the district of Rosenheim, Upper Bavaria in Germany.GeographyStephanskirchen is located on a glacially formed plateau. The Inn river on the west and the lake Simssee are natural boundaries. The valley of the Sims river is a natural border at the south. North to Stephanskirchen are several forests and small lakes. The municipality is located within the Rosenheim-basin in the area of the former Inn-glacier. Therefore, numerous erratic boulders can be found here.SubdivisionsThe municipality is by population the third largest in the district of Rosenheim and consists of 48 parts . Major settlements are Schloßberg and Haidholzen. Further settlements are: Baierbach, Eckenholz, Eichbichl, Eitzing, Entleiten, Fussen, Gehering, Graben, Grasweg, Haiden, Hofau, Hofleiten, Hofmühle, Högering, Höhensteig, Innleiten, Kieling, Kleinholzen, Kohlhaufmühle, Kragling, Kreut, Kronstauden, Krottenhausmühle, Kuglmoos, Lack, Landl, Landlmühle, Lauterbacherfilze, Leiten, Leonhardspfunzen, Murnau, Neumühle, Oed, Pulvermühle, Puster, Reikering, Schömering, Sims, Simserfilze, Simssee, Sonnenholz, Stephanskirchen, Waldering, Weinberg, Westerndorf, Westerndorferfilze and Ziegelberg.EmblemThe emblem of Stephanskirchen was created in 1954 and indicates the historic dispartment: The holy Stephanus at the top symbolizes with his holy halo the area of Stephanskirchen. He holds a golden missal with tree golden stones in his left arm. The lower part of the emblem reminds of a dinghy, a so called "Mutze". This is because in the past the major source of income in Schloßberg, Hofleiten and close to the inn-shore was fishing and shipping. The dominant green color within the emblem points to the agricultural structure of Stephanskirchen.


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