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Tube Weaning

Hohlweg 4, Siegburg Mülldorf, Germany



The road from tube to oral feeding can a challenging. We would like to offer our service for parents, medical teams and children to smooth the path.  Dear Families,

The journey of raising your child is filled with surprises, questions and mixed emotions. This is even more true your child is tube fed. You as a parent to a tube fed child don´t just have to be a sensitive parent, you have to visit medical appointments, fit everything into the tube feeding schedules, master nutritional concerns and weight check-ups while you are encourage your child to eat. This routine can last for months and years, and you may find yourself asking: „Is this how it is supposed to be, could we do different, maybe better?“

We don´t know for sure, if your live and especially your the live of your child could be different, but we can try do to find out. We would love support you during your journey from tube dependency to oral eating, with our knowledge, experience and our hands-on treatment.
Our program is based on the demands on every single child and every parent. It is based on 10 years of treatment, training experience and research world wide.

Your questions will be addressed based on the individual needs of your child. We will find out, if and how we can help you. We will give advice based on our clinical experience as well as on the latest research regarding tube feeding, weaning and its impact on children and parents. Try us with your question, we would be happy to answer or find the answer to your question. Just book an appointment today.

Your Tubeweaning-team

