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Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics

, Potsdam, Germany



The Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics is a Max Planck Institute whose research is aimed at investigating Einstein’s theory of relativity and beyond: Mathematics, quantum gravity, astrophysical relativity, and gravitational wave astronomy. The Institute was founded in 1995 and is located in Golm, Potsdam and in Hannover .The institute is involved in a number of collaborations and projects: The experimental branch is a main partner in the gravitational wave detector GEO 600; institute scientists are involved in analyzing data for the detectors of the LIGO Scientific Collaboration and in planning and preparing the space-based detector LISA. The institute is also a major player in the Einstein@Home project.Since 1998, the institute has published the open access review journal Living Reviews in Relativity.Graduate ProgramThe institute participates in two International Max Planck Research Schools . Such research schools are graduate programs run by Max Planck Institutes in partnership with local universities, offering a Ph.D. degree.


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