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American Training Stable

Lohe 30, Elmenhorst, Germany



Western Reitschule  



Photos from American Training Stable's post

Viele tolle Quarter Horses vom Absetzer bis zum Showpferd im Norden von Hamburg. Viele Futurity Prospects, aber auch tolle Pferde für den anspruchsvollen Freizeitreiter direkt vom Züchter. aus Hengsten wíe Mr. Boomerjac, Amendago Whiz, Gotta Westcoast Gun, Don Quintana, Busy Winin Chex, CFR Centenario Wimpy, Pale Face Dunnit u.v.m.

Photos from American Training Stable's post

Praktikantenstelle frei ab 01.09.2016 !!!!!

Photos from American Training Stable's post

For Sale Candy Chubby Chex, Quarter Horse Stute 2013 wird zur Zeit gerade eingeritten, sehr freundliche und unerschrockene Stute.

Photos from American Training Stable's post

Photos from American Training Stable's post

Endlich ist unser "Steppin on Sparks" Stutfohlen aus unserer Taris Catalyst Stute da !! Ein sehr kräftiges Mädchen sieht frisch geboren schon aus als wäre es 14 Tage alt.

Photos from American Training Stable's post

Photos from American Training Stable's post

Hier noch ein paar nette Bilder vom Reining Kurs Teil I am letzten Wochenende. Danke Marita für die schönen Bilder und den leckeren Grünkohl :-)

Photos from American Training Stable's post

Photos from American Training Stable's post

Einsteigerkurs 31.01.2016 wieder viele tolle Leute kennengelernt :-) Und es war mal wieder Miracoli Tag :-) nächster Termin 13.03.2016

Photos from American Training Stable's post

Photos from American Training Stable's post

Hier noch mal ein paar schöne Impressionen von unseren beiden Trailkursen , vielen Dank Steffen

Photos from American Training Stable's post

Timeline Photos

Richard A Fisher lll Contact American Training Stable to book your clinic. Richard Fisher has been training horses for the past 40 years. Born and raised in Brooklyn, NY he found his love of horses as a teenager and it was all by accident that he became a trainer. People would take vacations and ask Richie to ‘keep their horses going’ while they were away which he would do but would feel a problem and ‘fix it.’ When the owners returned they were surprised by the difference in their horse and the way they were going which then led to Richie being asked to be a trainer at a large barn on Long Island, NY. His first passion was barrel racing and gymkhana games but later on became reining horses. Richie has had much success in the show pen and later became a judge (NRHA and open shows) and an amazing clinician. Richie’s passion not only for the horse but also the rider is clear. His approach is filled with common sense teaching that makes the rider ‘think’ and ‘become aware’ of what needs to be done (whether it be horse or rider). He is known for making his clinics fun and educational and wants the participants to understand not only the mind of the horse but also of the mind of the rider because “HOW YOU THINK IS HOW YOU RIDE.” Clinic can be one or all of the following: HORSEMANSHIP: What is expected of the rider? To understand balance and awareness of body position along with the riders hand control, i.e. Hands too high or too low, to rough. GOING FROM ‘GREEN BROKE’ TOWARDS THE FINISHED HORSE Getting your horse more collected, coming off the bit and your leg and understanding pressure. Making your horse a willing partner. FIXING THE PROBLEM HORSE (not the bucking rearing kind!) Horses that are refusing to stop, spin, go forward, not guiding, dropping shoulders, charging etc. BARRELS - Whether already running barrels or a desire to start your horse on barrels. This clinic will show how to start your horse around barrels and will include basics such as body position, rating the barrel and how to keep your horse calm before and after a run. REINING - All aspects of reining. Working on spins, stops circles, rollbacks, lead changes and your basic approach to any maneuver. Any of the above clinics can also be applied to working cow horse, trail class, trail riding and someone that would like more knowledge into how a horse and rider can become more of a team. In training if you can capture the mind of the horse the physical will catch up. Contact American Training Stable to book your clinic.

Timeline Photos

Der Gymnastizierungskurs am 24.01.2016 ist leider auch schon ausgebucht :-)

Der nächste Einsteigerkurs ist für den 13.03.2016 geplant :-)

Unser Einsteigerkurs am 31.01.2016 ist leider auch schon wieder ausgebucht !!

Offenstall für 2 Pferde frei Wir bieten einen Offenstall für 2 Pferde mit Anbindung an einen Reitstall mit 2 Reithallen , Außenplätzen, Longierzirkel, geheiztes Reiterstübchen, Notbox uvm. Heulage zur freien Verfügung, im Winter Paddock, im Sommer Weide nach Absprache (auch gut für Rehepferde geeignet ), Reinigung muss selbst übernommen werden. Kraftfuttergabe kann gegen Aufpreis von uns übernommen werden. Alle Reitweisen willkommen. Preis für 2 Pferde zusammen 320,00 Euro.
