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Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1, Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, Germany



True 3D Laser Lithography. Visit us on! Impressum:


“Interacting with the Nanoscribe team is always very pleasant, clear, short, and never contains any kind of obstacles. When the service engineers come out here, they work very closely with my students. I have a couple of super-user students. They solve issues for them and usually hold a Q&A session.” - says Professor Julia R. Greer, California Institute of Technology - Caltech. Professor Greer is one the most renowned scientists in materials research and has been working with Nanoscribe’s 3D printing technology since 2012. We too enjoy the discussions and exchange of ideas and are always happy to stop by at her lab! Thank you, Professor Greer for your cordial words. Check out our new customer experiences site on our website:

Geckos climb up surfaces with different roughness and stick even to slippery ones. Inspired by their adhesion abilities, researchers at the Center for Micro-BioRobotics of Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT) in Pontedera investigated the dry and reservible adhesiveness of geckos and have fabricated artificial gecko setae on the same size scale as its natural counterpart using Nanoscribe's 3D printer. Find their conference paper here:

3rd Nanoscribe 3D Printer in Zurich! Top uni ETH Zürich uses now in total three high resolution 3D printing systems from Nanoscribe, one of them in cooperation with IBM Research at the Binnig and Rohrer Nanotechnology Center (BRNC). On the picture you can see all the happy faces after the successful installation :) Good luck with your future projects!

Interested in micro- and nanomachines? Check out the 1st International Conference on Micro/Nanomachines in Wuhan, China from August 25-28. We will be happy to meet you at our booth and discuss about 3D printing microrobots. If you're interested in this field but cannot join the conference, do not miss our Application Note Microrobotics!

In nature, plants and animals have developed smart surviving strategies, e.g., in order to deceive predators, find food or attract a mate to reproduce. However, is it possible to recreate artificially natural properties such as hydrophobicity, elasticity or coloration, that are often greatly related to the structural composition at the nano- and micrometer scale? Yes, it is! Our new application note on biomimetics presents examples on bioinspired materials that are made possible by means of Nanoscribe’s 3D printers. Look it up below!

Meet us in Cancún! Don’t miss out on next week’s XXVI International Materials Research Congress from 20 – 25 August. Our sales manager Dr. Benjamin Richter will be happy to welcome you at booth # 9 and discuss the future of 3D nano, micro and mesoprinting. We invite you to also join his talk about multi-component microscaffolds for cell culturing (SC.5-O027) on Tuesday, 22 August, 17:00.

Find out how Nanoscribe’s 3D printers serve for the fabrication of micro-optics.

We make small things matter – now also at Stanford University: More than 120 attendees from renowned universities and industry met at the Stanford Symposium on Direct Write, Optical, Ion and Electron Beam Lithography hosted by our customer Stanford Nanofabrication Facility (SNF). Nanoscribe participated together with Heidelberg Instruments Mikrotechnik GmbH, Raith GmbH, ZEISS Microscopy, and Alvéole as outstanding experts in the field of micro- and nanofabrication. Fruitful discussions were triggered by the talks which was reflected in a great and vibrant interaction of the lithography community.

We are looking for innovative, dynamic employees to strengthen our departments product development and material development. Detailed job descriptions can be found here: Don’t hesitate to contact us!

Say cheeeeese! We’re happy to share this recent picture of us – the Nanoscribe team – with you. The demand to materialize ideas by additive microfabrication is ever increasing. Therefore, we are proud to say that we are now - in our 10th year since company foundation – over 50 colleagues worldwide. Not only are we many but also multinational: So far, our colleagues represent 13 different nationalities. This gives us the opportunity to learn about other cultures and boost our creativity by different ideas and perspectives! The second image shows our team picture printed by means of our Photonic Professional GT. Dimensions: 2000 px x 1350 px with 100,000 pixels per inch and 64 height levels

The second day of an exciting distributor meeting comes to an end. Proud to work with excellent sales partners serving our two-photon polymerization customers worldwide. Thanks to everyone who made this meeting so successful! OPTEC Group

#UKRoboticsWeek was celebrated by one of our customers, The Hamlyn Centre for Robotic Surgery, with the Hamlyn Symposium on Medical Robotics at Imperial College London. Here, Nanoscribe’s CEO Martin Hermatschweiler was invited to give a talk about “Materializing Ideas by Additive Microfabrication”. With experts attending from all over the world, the workshops focused on topics such as neurointervention and miniature robots among other exciting challenges of medical robotics. Find more impressions of the symposium here: © The Hamlyn Centre.


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