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Schewel Translation Braunschweig

, Brunswick, Germany
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Ihr sucht englische Übersetzungen mit einem besonderen i-Tüpfelchen für Eure globale Zielgruppe? Hier entlang: Wenn Ihr Übersetzungen vom Deutschen ins Englische braucht, seid Ihr bei mir goldrichtig! Schewel Translation: communicating Kommunikation!

Ich bin englische Muttersprachlerin mit einer großen Sprachleidenschaft und arbeite seit über 6 Jahren als freiberufliche Übersetzerin für DE > EN (UK), vor allem in den Bereichen Business, Marketing, PR, Tourismus, Gastronomie, Immobilien, Mode und Webseiten.

Wenn Ihr zuverlässige und ansprechende muttersprachliche englische Übersetzungen von Eurer Werbung / Webseite / Geschäftskorrespondenz usw. braucht, stehe ich gerne zur Verfügung!

Für das i-Tüpfelchen für Eure Übersetzungsbedürfnisse, findet Ihr mich unter I look forward to hearing from you soon!


Wow! How can it be March already? 2017 has already proven to be a busy year full of highly interesting and challenging translations in all kinds of specialist fields and my new slogan of "Communicating Kommunikation" has certainly been implemented to the max! Here's what can you look forward to with Schewel Translation over the upcoming months: - Client presentations: several clients have recently launched their projects and websites featuring my English texts and I can't wait to share them with you! - Deeper insights: want to know more about my day-today work as my translator, my trusty tools and my working environment? Stay tuned! - Language titbits: exciting and interesting facts, figures and challenges revolving around translation and the German and English languages - A brand-new and sparkling Schewel Translation website!

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It's been a busy few months since my big move and I'm afraid I haven't been very active here as result. Nevertheless, I'm not going to miss this opportunity to wish you all a very happy Christmas and, of course, frohe Festtage! I'll be back in the New Year with plenty of frequent posts, updates, links and interesting insights into my life as a translator and my clients' lives with my translations! In the meantime, I'm sending you all Christmassy linguist greetings from Braunschweig :-)

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Analytical Grammar

Nach dem heutigen Feiertag, hier ein kleiner Leckerbissen aus der Welt der Sprachwissenschaft als lustiger Start in die verkürzte Arbeitswoche!

Analytical Grammar

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Rather late in the day, but I would like to take this opportunity to wish my colleagues and clients a very happy International Translation Day! I celebrated in style, with my little girl bringing special "coffee" and "biscuits" to my desk :-D

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My new office is coming along nicely! Mein neues Arbeitszimmer kommt gut voran!

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Hello everyone, Apologies for my recent absence - the past month has been extremely busy and I'm delighted to say that I have completed three large projects (including an absolute premiere for Schewel Translation!) that were all right up my street and I will be presenting here soon alongside another feature. The reason I'm writing to you today of all days, however, is because it's time to celebrate! Schewel Translation is now 7 years old! Believe it or not, it's seven years to the day that I, having successfully finished my degree, packed up my things and moved to German to join my now-husband and start my career as a freelance translator. The past seven years have been exciting, challenging, extremely varied and very enjoyable and I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of my clients and colleagues for their trust and support. Bring on the next seven!

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Wife cake and evil water: The perils of auto-translation - BBC News

It's just been brought to my attention that Facebook is now offering automatic translations of texts just like this that businesses and organisations choose to post on their Facebook pages. I've given it a try and I think it's safe to say that using Facebook's 'handy' translations certainly isn't the way to make a professional first impression on visitors to your page! This article (thanks to my lovely colleague Heather for the link!) provides a good summary of the positives and perils of machine translation...

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It's been very quiet here recently I'm afraid: after enjoying a relaxing holiday in the Netherlands, I've been working away hard on a number of projects in the fields of business, education and tourism. A big update and a new feature on my page are due soon, but for now I just wanted to give you a quick insight into my Schewel Translation office on this special match day! Auf geht's Deutschland!

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German Embassy London

A fitting word of the week for my English fans :-)

German Embassy London

6 Fußballbegriffe, die man kennen sollte | Lebensart | DW.COM | 08.06.2016

Die meisten Menschen wünschen sich gerade (oder bald) ein schönes und sonniges Wochenende! Ich arbeite noch aber das wünsche ich Euch natürlich auch! Was ich Euch aber vor allem wünschen möchte: eine tolle (und hoffentlich erfolgreiche!) EM. Neben Sprachen, Sprachwissenschaft und Kommunikation habe ich noch eine Leidenschaft: Fußball! Insofern werden mir die nächsten knapp 4 Wochen viel Spaß machen und wer weiß, vielleicht gibt es auch ein paar fußballbezogene Aufträge in der nahen Zukunft! Es wird hier auch ein paar interessante Beiträge über die Fußballsprache auf Deutsch und Englisch geben, also wenn Ihr Interesse habt, bleibt am Ball ;-) Für den Anfang hier ein Link über 6 wichtige Begriffe für die nächsten Fußballwochen...

What's New in June? -

With the summer holidays coming up fast (and our own holiday just one week away!) it's been a very busy last couple of weeks here at Schewel Translation. This week has mainly involved texts focusing on two topics: cars and food! My research into the latest developments in the automotive industry has been extremely interesting but this week's winning topic was definitely food. I absolutely love the challenge of explaining traditional German deliacies to English-speaking audiences and finding out about new recipes and combinations. Whilst exploring the diverse and wonderful world of German baked goods, I came across an American website that I think both my German and English fans would like too, so without further ado, here's the link for you:

I often get asked whether I prefer to work in complete silence or with music on in the background.* One thing is most definitely for sure: this roadworks racket is certainly not ideal for my productive working environment! Thankfully I always read through my translations twice in complete silence a while after completing them in order to ensure that they are perfect. I'm hoping that the noise outside will have died down by then! (*My answer: it depends on the text in question! In the case of marketing texts, music often helps to get my creative juices flowing!)

I often get asked whether I prefer to work in complete silence or with music on in the background.* One thing is most definitely for sure: this roadworks racket is certainly not ideal for my productive working environment! 

Thankfully I always read through my translations twice in complete silence a while after completing them in order to ensure that they are perfect. I'm hoping that the noise outside will have died down by then!

(*My answer: it depends on the text in question! In the case of marketing texts, music often helps to get my creative juices flowing!)


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