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Poul Due Jensens Vej 7, Bjerringbro, Denmark
Commercial & Industrial Equipment Supplier



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#Winterishere. Bone-chilling winds from Siberia plunge Europe into historic deep freeze. The temperature will drop to -27 degrees Celsius. We are ready to keep up the heat.

A TAILORED AND GLOBAL ADVENTURE We’re looking for the ones who can spearhead our future business, crunch the numbers, create a seamlessly running supply-chain, and drive our digital journey. The starting point for this: our international graduate programme. Two years and four different projects packed with individualized training, coaching, and customized on-the-job assignments, all specifically tailored to shape and support the graduates’ further professional journey. Check out how to take your next steps with us here.

A huge congratulation to the Danish women’s and men’s national badminton teams, who won the European Championships 2018 in Kazan, Russia. What amazing team achievements.

BRINGING COMFORT TO MOSCOW CITY Impressing skyscrapers take to the sky in Moscow City. The Moscow International Business Centers – or just MIBC – has changed the skyline of the biggest city in Europe. Here approximately 300,000 people work, live and dine every day. And they all enjoy the comfort of our pumps which provide heating, cooling and water.

”Danmark har mistet en værdig, nysgerrig og vidende repræsentant. Hans Kongelige Højhed Prins Henrik sikrede med sit fantastiske engagement og imødekommenhed dialog og åbenhed for mange danske virksomheder ude i verden. Grundfos har haft æren flere gange sammen med Prins Henrik at fremme danske eksportinteresser. Han vil blive savnet, og vi sender den danske kongefamilie vores største medfølelse. Æret være Prins Henriks minde,” siger Group Executive Vice President Poul Due Jensen på vegne af Grundfos koncernen.

CREATING VALUE FROM THE CLOUDS Water is a resource, we cannot afford to waste. In Germany, we’re stepping up to keep our water footprint down. A new rainwater harvesting system allows us to save 360,000 litres of water per year. But this is just the beginning.

DREAMING OF INFINITY AND BEYOND Man has made the journey to space for decades. More recently, cars are orbiting our beautiful blue planet, sailing into deep space. For the time being, we will settle on making our mark right here on Earth. But we’ll dream big – about one day sending pumps into circulation.

SEND TO PRINT We put printing into practice, and are ready to take another step in our use of 3D print in an industrial context. The technology allows us to cut time spent on creating prototypes, it lets us introduce new and complex geometries in our products, and customize solutions for our customers.

DECISIVE COLLABORATION WITH DAY ZERO APPROACHING Cape Town in South Africa is experiencing serious water issues. Long lasting drought combined with less rain than usual is depleting the city’s water supply. Taps are expected to be turned off on 16 April. And already now, people are living on limited resources, only being allowed to use 50 litres of water per person per day. We’re following events closely, and are in dialogue with relevant authorities to find ways to remedy this crisis.

We’re looking into the world of tomorrow at our Future Lab 2.0. Here, we display some of our newest digital technologies, and combine them with the latest knowledge on water and energy. We create space where we in collaboration with our visiting partners can explore new ideas to tackle global challenges on water and energy.

Børn skal være børn. De skal ikke spekulere på, hvornår de igen har tag over hovedet, mad på tallerkenerne eller vand i glassene. Årets Danmarksindsamling hjælper de millioner af børn, der lever på flugt fra krig, fattigdom, sygdom og sult. Vi støtter op, så børnene kan få en bedre fremtid.

Huge congratulations to Spain on winning the European Championship. During the tournament, we have donated €25,500 to projects to support the UN’s Global Goals 6 and 13. Our fight for clean water and combat against climate change goes on. Photo: Nebojsa Tejic & Uros Hocevar
