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Savica I 127, Zagreb, Croatia
Business Service



A years long presence, a high level of skills and continuous adoption of new knowledge has positioned company as one of the leading Croatian IT companies. A years long presence, a high level of skills and the continuous adoption of new knowledge has positioned company as one of the leading Croatian companies in the area of development, implementation and maintenance of complex and integral business information-communication systems.

With idea to step into internationalization, company has formed Storm Grupa through mutual cooperation with 9 member companies. Together they offer a complete integration services according to the specific requirements of partners and customers from all business sectors. Thanks to the continuous upgrading of solution portfolios, with emphasis on the development and upgrading of own products, company offers integral and complete service on a turnkey basis for whole region and counts more than 1.500 successful projects.

Member companies:

•   Storm Computers –

One of the leading domestic and regional system integrator. Through its partnership relation with the leading world producers of information-communication technologies, it implements, improves and adapts integral communication-technological solutions in accordance with the specific needs of local partners.

•   Supra Net -

Has been recognized on the domestic market as the leader in the field of project engineering and implementation of passive telecommunication networks and distribution of passive network equipment of leading world producers.

•   Storm Informatika -

Regional system integrator of information-communication and hotel solutions for leading world producers, with expertise in the implementation of IP telephony solutions, switching & routing technologies, contact centers, intelligent rooms and interactive televisions.

•   Proaxis -

Company with years of experience in the distribution of IT equipment. As a distributor for leading companies in the world, it takes over world class standards in business and communication with customers.

•   Databox -

Through own data center company allows companies the transformation of advanced technologies into companies’ business to reduce operating costs and increase productivity, giving a crucial advantage on the market and directly affects the creation of added value.

•   Rinels -

Company oriented on integrated solutions for emergency work including entire communication, receiving and managing of emergency interventions, GIS locating and navigation, recording, analysis and ERP system. Solutions are applicable in emergency medical help, fire brigades, ambulance transport, utilities and distribution system.

•   Storm ICT -

Solution oriented company, run by responsive and experienced engineers in the area of development, implementation and maintenance of complex and integral business information-communication systems.


Pure Storage proglašen liderom globalnog AFA tržišta!

Vidimo se u srijedu 20.12. :)

Završena je 19. CARNetova konferencija CUC 2017. Najveća konferencija o obrazovanju u Republici Hrvatskoj ove je godine održana pod znakovitim nazivom “Povezani znanjem (… 25 godina)“. Više o konferenciji saznajte na;

U ugodnom i već dobro poznatom ambijentu Matis Absolut Lounge-a, 7. studenog održana je zanimljiva prezentacija kojoj su domaćini bili STORM Computers i Cisco. Više o temi saznajte na linku:

Riders on the STORM - MAGENTA 1 B2B RUN Zagreb 2017 Da su stojićki podnijeli trku, vidi se iz slika nakon trčanja :) Kako je bilo, saznajte na linku:

25 naših nadobudnih djelatnika danas sudjeluje na B2B RUN!!! Ekipa, sretno!!! Make us proud!

STORM Computers ponosni je vlasnik još jedne CISCO specijalizacije! Više na linku:

STORM Computers sudjeluje na jednoj od najvećih konferencija o internetskoj sigurnosti! Više na linku:

U jedinstvenom prostoru slatkovodng akvarija Aquatika u Karlovcu, održana je radionica za Hrvatski Telekom d.d. na temu “Novi izvori prihoda uz HPE Aruba Networks”. Veliko zanimanje svih prisutnih privukla je interaktivna demonstracija naprednih rješenja, te prezentacija Aruba management alata – fleksibilno upravljanje mrežom iz javnog I privatnog oblaka koju su pripremili Storm Computers I Veracomp Adriatics team. Više informacija o radionici saznajte na:

Zagreb je od 12. do 14. lipnja 2017. godine po drugi puta bio domaćin prestižne godišnje konferencije udruge Major Cities of Europe – IT Users group (MCE) koja se održava pod nazivom „Digitalna budućnost - gradovi i stvarnost“ (The Digital Future - Cities Facing the Reality). Organizatori konferencije su Grad Zagreb i MCE u partnerstvu s Razvojnom agencijom Zagreb TPZ. STORM Grupa se kao srebrni sponzor uključila u ovaj respektabilni događaj. Detaljan pregled tema i program konferencije, dostupan je na poveznici:

U subotu 03. lipnja 2017. je održan šesti po redu STORM Grupa Open Golf turnir, jedan od nekoliko turnira u sklopu PBZ Trophy natjecanja, jednog od najvećih regionalnih golf natjecanja koje redovito posjećuje više od 200 sudionika s vodećih poslovnih pozicija u Hrvatskoj i regiji, kao i poznatih iz svijeta zabave i sporta. I ove su godine natjecatelji igru započeli Cannon startom, a ostali sudionici turnira, naši prijatelji i gosti su prošli školu golfa. Završetak turnira s dodjelom nagrada najboljim natjecateljima je obilježila proslava uz tamburaše. Zahvaljujemo svim sponzorima i partnerima na podršci u organizaciji turnira te čestitamo najboljima u natjecanju i školi golfa!
