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Dr. Copp Dentistry

1235 Bay Street Suite 305, Toronto, Canada



Get your dignity back.
Get your health back.
Get your appearance back.
Sleep through it all. If you or your child have a dental problem, Dr. Copp with help you compassionately and expertly.

Sleep through your dental visits while we work to make you better.


Cival War Soldiers Needed Their Natural Teeth You can imagine dental care and hygiene was very poor during the Cival War in the USA. Toothbrushes were scarce as was treatment. A soldier's teeth were needed on the battlefields to bite off the end of powder cartridges on rifles. When the Union Army War Department rejected a dental program, the Confederate Army adopted one feeling it would give them an advantage!

Updated data indicate that young children are consuming the equivalent of 5,543 sugar cubes annually. A new ‘Sugar Smart’ app is being launched to help parents check how much sugar is contained in everyday food and drinks. More info about the app to come. Remember from a tooth decay standpoint high frequency sugar/carbohydrate is a greater concern than total consumption. However 5543! That's got to mean high frequency!


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