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Faith Presbyterian Church

312281 Dereham Line, Tillsonburg, Canada
Church/religious organization



We meet at 312281 Dereham Line for Sunday worship services and have weekly activities at 110  Broadway St. Tillsonburg
Faith Presbyterian Church is a church plant in Tillsonburg Ontario. We are now meet for worship in the old Delmer United Church in Delmer, Ontario though the address remains Tillsonburg. You will find us at the intersection Brownsville Road and Dereham line. To find us take North Street west (from Highway #19 /Plank Rd) until you come to a stop. Turn left (south) and you will see the church almost immediately on your right (312218 Dereham Line).

Our office is in a store front (110 Broadway St. Tillsonburg). We also meet here for prayer at 8:00 on Wednesday nights.

Open Doors is an activity we do from the store front location on Saturday nights, starting at 6:30. This is a pretty chill setting where we offer pizza, books, warm hats and scarves, games to participate in, coffee, hot chocolate, a food pantry, and encouragement along with other forms of aid available to anyone who shows up. If you have questions about how to volunteer or more information about what's involved you can call the church's number or simply show up. Adults, children, disabled, sad, happy, wherever you are in your life we'd love to see you!

We are a congregation of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Synod.

The Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church (ARP) is a Reformed and Presbyterian denomination that has been serving North America since its beginnings in 1782. The ARP was formed when the Associate Presbyterians (a denomination which dates back to 1733 in Scotland) and the Reformed Presbyterians (a group whose beginnings date back to the covenanters in 17th century Scotland) joined together in Philadelphia.


Faith Presbyterian Church (ARP): PCC - Body, Mind and Soul - Study Guide on Human Sexuality: a...

Do you know someone in the Presbyterian Church of Canada (PCC)? Throughout the PCC churches have been asked to study a document called "Body, Mind and Soul," which pleads for a progressive reading of the Bible. The following is a brief critique of that document as a well as an invitation to believers remaining in the PCC to consider joining one of the Presbyterian denominations still faithful to the Word of God. If you know someone to whom it may be of help please pass it along. If not please do at least remember the PCC in prayer.

February 1-6 I will be taking a study break. February 7 Rev. Brian Murray will take the pulpit. In the meantime... its Friday, but the Lord's Day is coming! Looking forward to seeing you then. Let's be preparing our hearts for worship. "I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the Lord." - Steve

Reminder that we have prayer meeting tonight at the store front (110 Broadway St. Tillsonburg) starting at 8:00. All are welcome to join or if you have prayer requests please message this page.

Faith Presbyterian Church's cover photo

Faith Presbyterian Church's cover photo

Faith Presbyterian Church

Faith Presbyterian Church
