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Ebenezer Reformed Church

621 Highway 8, Stoney Creek, Canada
Church/religious organization



Ebenezer Reformed Church is a Christian church of approximately 100 members in Stoney Creek, Ontario, Canada. Welcome to Ebenezer Reformed Church. We are excited about Ebenezer and are happy to serve together in a congregation that cares for one another and seeks to care for its community. We are people who love Jesus Christ, and want to share that love with each other and with you.

Ebenezer Reformed Church has been part of the Stoney Creek community for over 50 years. Our members come from all over the area, and invite you to share in the journey of faith with us.


Obituary of Lynn Korbyn

Our Christian sympathy to all who knew and loved Lynn Korbyn. Please followed the attached page for visitation and service details.

REMINDER - Nominations for Elder and Deacon are due on Sunday. Please prayerfully consider making your nomination. There are nomination forms available on the table in the foyer. If you aren't able to make it on Sunday, you are welcome to email or private message your nominations to Pastor David.

Countryside Camp "Camp Shalom"

Countryside Camp "Camp Shalom"
