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McCaffrey Equine Services

, Ottawa, Canada
Professional Service



Hoofcare and Equine Dentistry


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McCaffrey Equine Services is excited to announce that we will be presenting for the the UofG Animal Interest Network at the University of Guelph on Monday night. We've got a diverse presentation planned, introducing some of the latest techniques in farriery and hoof care. We will also be going over a few of our cases from the past year, including a couple of severe founder cases (metabolic and potomac fever induced) as well as our TWO rare cases of canker being treated in-house. If you'd like to attend, please get in touch with us to reserve your seat!

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McCaffrey Equine Services

A couple of months ago I was working on a pair of hind hooves and discovered a bleeding, infectious growth on each foot. This was not an ordinary case of thrush, it turned out to be a very rare disease (at least in Ontario) known as "Canker." Canker is a condition that causes cauliflower-like vascular growths to develop on the frog, and in severe cases can infect the entire hoof. It is extremely aggressive and often does not respond to treatment well. I phoned up a couple of farrier friends and our farm vet to see if anyone has seen it in our area and it was a resounding "never." It is extremely rare in our neck of the woods, and as luck would have it, I got stuck with one. The frog lesions are EXTREMELY vascular and bleed profusely at the slightest touch. They are mostly insensitive but will regrow given even the smallest window of opportunity. I was fortunate to be able to put together a treatment plan with a veterinarian-mentor of mine in the USA and we decided to treat it at home rather than in-hospital. Being my own horse I was able to do the debridements myself, and carefully removed all of the cankerous tissue from the foot. We then followed up with shoeing an topical medication, and the case came around beautifully. 8 weeks later and we have two canker-free hooves and a much happier horse.

McCaffrey Equine Services

Unfortunately Jim's phone crashed this week along with all contacts and his entire schedule. If you have not heard from us and are expecting a call (or appointment!) please send us a message to get you back in the system. Sorry for the inconvenience. (613)430-4881


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