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Ontario Practical Shooting League

Oakville, Oakville, Canada



OPSL hosts sanctioned IPSC action shooting competitions in Southern Ontario. Welcome to the home of Ontario Practical Shooting League!

Greetings Fellow Shooters!

It is with great pleasure that I announce to you all the formation of yet another shooting fraternity at the service of all the IPSC Ontario members: The Ontario Practical Shooting League.  This one, however, is a little different in the fact that it does not have a home comprised of earthen berms, steel backstops or bricks and mortar. It’s essence is comprised entirely of like minded shooters, determined to promote and advance the IPSC  sport in Ontario. It will accomplish this through hosting IPSC sanctioned matches with the help of Ontario shooting ranges with like minded goals. The founding members of this virtual club are some of the most experienced  in Ontario at the two very separate disciplines of shooting and hosting matches, with many, many years of combined match experience behind them. The ultimate aim is to provide Ontario  IPSC shooters with high quality matches, run efficiently and professionally anywhere in Ontario.  Somewhat like a mobile travelling match, fully self contained, able to deliver matches even to off the beaten path clubs , who are willing but who do not have the IPSC shooter base or the ability to host matches anymore.  

    Any shooter who has been in this sport in Ontario for a while, will fully understand the need for an organisation such as this. When I somehow passed my Black Badge course in May of 1995, there were no less than 5 annual level III matches in Ontario, in addition to all the usual Level I’s and II’s. To put it into context, back then there was less than half of the current IPSC Ontario membership. Fast forward to today: We have a membership well over 1000, and we have less than half the matches we used to have. How many IPSC Ontario members have become frustrated and stopped trying to sign up for matches that are always full within minutes sometimes? Let’s face it, the current model of club volunteers running matches is woefully inadequate to service the growing needs of IPSC Ontario’s members.

The Ontario Practical Shooting League is just one more vehicle to allow as many IPSC members as possible to experience the joy of shooting an IPSC match. Because, without enough matches, there can be no growth and advancement of the International Practical Shooting Confederation in Ontario, or anywhere for that matter. The actual competition is the foundation of sport itself, and it is this concept which drives the Ontario Practical Shooting League!

On behalf of the League, wishing you all safe shooting!

Alex Szakacs



NEAR Ontario Practical Shooting League