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Krista Crellin Photography

, Moosomin, Canada
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Photos from Krista Crellin Photography's post

The Professional Photographers of Canada had it's National Awards Banquet last night! After much anxious waiting the results are in...I'm a National award winner!!!! I'm so excited! Here are my images and their results!

Photos from Krista Crellin Photography's post

Photos from Krista Crellin Photography's post

I am so grateful for the families that call on me again and again to photograph their most important moments. One of the things I love the most about my job is the celebrations I get to witness and the families I watch grow. Congratulations and thank you Shelby & Zach! You honour me. I'm so excited for your big day!

Photos from Krista Crellin Photography's post

Timeline Photos

Here's a real smile!

Timeline Photos

Timeline Photos

Is it just me or is this baby giving me a fake smile?

Timeline Photos

I just got more great news!!! I am excited to say that I am a finalist for the Best Child Portrait, Best Group Portrait and Best Wedding Portrait Awards in the Professional Photographers of Canada National image competition! My best results yet! It is such an honour to see my name beside the other talented photographers listed! Their work inspires me and pushes me to keep learning and growing. Congrats to all the finalists! Now I have to wait until May 1 to see how I do. All my fingers are crossed!

Timeline Photos

All these pretty photos are packed and ready for their new homes!

Timeline Photos

Timeline Photos

Kids & animals aren't too hard to work with right? :)

Timeline Photos

Photos from Krista Crellin Photography's post

Check out all the cute kids I was lucky to photograph last month! I had so much fun! I'll be posting more from these sessions on my instagram page so make sure you follow me there!

Photos from Krista Crellin Photography's post

Timeline Photos

I got the best letter this week! I will be receiving my Master of Photographic Arts (MPA) designation this year! This has been a huge goal of mine and it's taken a lot of work to get here. It feels pretty good!

Timeline Photos

Timeline Photos

I was pretty excited to drop this beauty off at its new home!

Timeline Photos

Photos from Krista Crellin Photography's post

Hmmm colour or b&w for this photo of my littlest girl?

Photos from Krista Crellin Photography's post

Photos from Krista Crellin Photography's post

No editing required for their eyes, they are just that beautiful!

Photos from Krista Crellin Photography's post
