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Life By Design Strength & Conditioning - West London CrossFit

689 Oxford Street West, London, Canada
Gym/Physical Fitness Center



Helping people live the life they deserve - Your new life starts now! Try the next Free Class We believe that every human being is designed to be EXTRAORDINARY!

Life By Design Strength & Conditioning / West London CrossFit, also known as the "SC", is London's premier strength, conditioning and performance facility.  

Created by Dr. Joel Richards, Jacquie Richards, Dr. Jamie Richards of Cafe of Life Chiropractic Studio and Drs. Rachelle & Kreso Jug of Gainsborough Family Chiropractic; the SC blends unique training and health philosophies into one incredible approach called Life By Design.

The SC is a place where people of all ages and all fitness levels can begin or continue to get lean, strong and fit.  Our coaches are former high level athletes that know what it takes physically and mentally to succeed. They have the knowledge, passion and desire to help you reach all of your fitness and health goals.

This is not a machine filled, "big box", figure it out yourself atmosphere.  The SC runs regular group classes, personal coaching and team coaching.  You can choose the route that works best for you, start Moving By Design and living the life you deserve.


The #crossfitkids classic tic-tac-toe!! @crossfitkids #FUNctionalmovement

Dr. K speaking at today’s Eat by Design and talking about how optimally fuelling the body improves health, healing and athletic performance. Join us for our next EBD seminar in Feb. 2018.

New office art compliments of Britt. Strong and talented! Thanks Britt!

What are you doing on your rest days?! Read what Chett has to say and make sure you take care of your body on the days you aren't hitting the gym. 🙌 Repost @brainignition_chett (@get_repost) ・・・ I've gotten pretty interested in how our brain affects athletic performance; things like energy, recovery, weight gain or strength. . . Here's an example: Recovery and "off days" aren't needed to rest your muscles, they're needed to rest your NERVOUS SYSTEM- the network of nerves and cells connecting brain and spinal cord to various parts of the body. . . That's because things like lifting weights and running activates the brain's Hypothalamus - which via our pituitary gland - triggers the release of signals cortisol, adrenaline, or release of our stored energy. The brain thinks we are preparing for survival, which is fine, because it's these signals we adapt to, ultimately becoming stronger and healthier. . . But over activating this system has consequences: ⬆Fatigue ⬆Storage of fat ⬇Mood ⬆Risk of injury . . How to improve nervous system health if burnt out from training OR STRESS? . . Foam rolling, deep tissue work, and breathing techniques can lower levels of cortisol and inflammation quicker than just lounging. Proof of this is in your HRV (heart rate variability) which is controlled by your vagus nerve originating in your MEDULLA OBLANGATA (seriously). HRV is an indicator of nervous system health and will return to baseline quicker! It's all connected baby.

So much Halloween fun today! It's hard to pick a winner but @danimal3518 as Danny Broflex is pretty epic. Our members are amazing. Happy Halloween! #crossfit #westlondoncrossfit #happyhalloween #dannybroflex #broreps #bananaonabike #costumes #gainz #community #lndont

Gym is liiiit today with Halloween fire! 🔥 🎃

Members! Don't forget to wear your Halloween costume to the gym tomorrow! Best costume will win a SPOOKtacular prize! 🎃👻☠️👽

CrossFit is more than a just a workout. It's a community. These three ladies train together almost every day. They didn't know each other before they joined West London CrossFit but now they are friends inside and outside the gym. No matter how tired they are after work, no matter how their day went, they know they can come here for a great workout and will have great time doing it! They push each other and cheer for each other, because that's what CrossFit is all about. Come see for yourself! #westlondoncrossfit #lndont #gainz #crossfit #community #londonontario #friendswhotraintogether #dowhatworks #strong #strongwomen #crossfitgirls #morethanjustaworkout #motivationalmonday #allthefeels #gymfriends

If you haven’t been to the seminar yet, we encourage you to attend! It’s free with your membership and you’re welcome to bring a guest or two! Register at the gym, message us here or by email to For those that need a refresher, this seminar can provide motivation and accountability! Take a minute and vote!

It's #transformationtuesday ! Let's hear how joining West London CrossFit changed things for @ddotwilson "How time flies when you are having fun! It is crazy to think that I have been a member at WLC since the doors opened 5 years ago. Actually, let's make it even more legit and go back to when it was The SC. It all started with me attending an in-house competition as a spectator (yes, the pic on the left is me at the comp) and I had no idea that after that day, my life would change forever. I was inspired by not only the vast fitness levels, all competing together, but by the sense of community and amount of encouragement amongst everyone there. It was then that I decided I needed to make a change. I took the plunge and signed up for my membership and haven’t looked back since! I have no idea where I would be now if I hadn’t joined West London CrossFit but I can sure as hell tell you, it was one of the best decisions I have EVER made. I am happier, healthier, stronger and more confident in myself and my abilities. Joining this amazing community has led me to where and who I am today!" #westlondoncrossfit #crossfit #dowhatworks #gainz #testimonial #community #lndont #snatch #weightlifting #strong #momswholift #the519 #legit #londonontario #fitness #confident #changeisgood

Thanks @lululemon for joining our 4pm class for an awesome workout and for the free Lulu gear!!! You ladies were amazing and kicked some CrossFit butt! Check out our members decked out in their snazzy new Lulu gear. #lululemon #lndnont #londonontario #community #crossfit #westlondoncrossfit #luluroadshow #freeswag #thankyou #gainz #dowhatworks #the519
