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Pacha Mama Happy Products

Rio Muchacho, Kingston, Canada
Home improvement



We promise to sell only products that are hand made, sustainable, and ecologically sound, keeping Pacha Mama happy!


Today's the day folks! Come on down to Skeleton Park today and look for our booth! Vendors are selling from 10-5pm with music and entertentertainment going until 9pm. Come check out Sloan at 8pm! See you there!

Pacha Mama Happy Products

Hi friends of Pacha Mama! Come out to the Skeleton Park Arts and Music Festival here in Kingston this weekend starting at 10am and look for our Pacha Mama Happy Booth! We'll be selling our rings, cutting boards, mate spoons, laundry soap, necklaces, and tasty cacao! Check out the Skeleton Park Arts Fest website to see a list of awesome musicians that will be performing (including Sloan!). There will be tons of great local artisans selling their wares, so come check it out!


Happy to say our benefit concert has brought a successful close to our fundraising efforts!


Hey friends of Pacha Mama! Don't forget this Saturday is our benefit concert where we'll be raising money for earthquake victims in Ecuador. There will be live music from 3-8pm, plus a BBQ and an amazing raffle table (one of the prizes being a case of Pacha Mama Happy Soap!) and silent auction. Come out to the Gananoque Brewery this Saturday June 4th and check it out!

Click here to support Reconstruction after earthquake by Soa Rajaona

Hey friends of Pacha Mama. I know I've asked you about ten times already to donate to the earthquake relief effort in our part of Ecuador, but in case you're feeling extra generous today… My beloved Canadian friends in the next community over lost their home during the quake (which they had just finished building last year). They were very lucky to get out unharmed but would very much appreciate your help in rebuilding their beautiful home. Share if you can!

Timeline Photos

Hey friends of Pacha Mama, Come on out to the Ganaoque Brewery on Saturday June 4th from 3pm-8pm and help us raise money for families affected by the recent earthquakes in Ecuador. We've raised $7000 so far, come help us beat our goal of $10 000. We want to help as many families as we can, and we need your help to do it! There will be live music, a raffle table with tons of great prizes, and food and drink for sale. Entry is by donation. Bring your friends!

Timeline Photos

Happy to report we sold lots of goodies at the Mulberry Mayfair today! We made $400 in total, plus $85 in donations to our Ecuador fund which means $285 more towards Ecuador and $200 in our pockets. Wahoo!

Come down to the Mayfair at the Mulberry Waldorph school today from 10-2pm and check out our table of gorgeous Ecuadorean goodness! 25 Markland St, off of Montreal St. See you there!

Mulberry Waldorf School

Hey friends in the Kingston area, come check us out at the Mulberry School Mayfair this Saturday from 10-2pm and buy some of our awesome Ecuadorian products! Half of what we earn will go to our fundraiser for post earthquake reconstruction in our area. There will be lots of cool local artisans, live music, tasty food, and activities for kids. 25 Markland off of Montreal!

Mulberry Waldorf School

Hey friends of Pacha Mama! Check out our album section to see organized photos of our products. More to come soon!

We'll be selling our products at the Mulberry May Fair on Saturday, May 14th from 10am-2pm, with half of our earnings going to helping rebuild a home in Ecuador that was devastated by the massive earthquake earlier this month. There will be lots of other great local vendors selling their wares and fun activities for kids, so come check it out! 25 Markland Street here in Kingston at the Mulberry Waldorph school.

Online Payment, Merchant Account - PayPal

In the aftermath of this devastating tragedy I am truly inspired by how many people, foreigners and nationals alike, are coming together to raise funds for the much needed emergency supplies being taken to the coast of Ecuador. With national and international aid organizations coming up short in smaller rural areas, it's beautiful to see how people with friends and family affected are taking matters into their own hands by purchasing and delivering things like food, water, and shelter themselves. As difficult as it is for us to be here in Canada during this tragedy, we want to do everything we can from here to help those affected back home. As most of you know my husband Oscar's family was greatly affected by the quake. Due to the overwhelmingly generous offers of help that we have received from friends and family here in Canada, we have set up at PayPal "donate button" to allow people to donate to our cause with ease. For those of you unfamiliar with our area, we live in a small rural community called Rio Muchacho located near the epicentre of the quake. Most of the people in our community, including Oscar's father, brother, and brother in-law, are labourers or farmers making anywhere between twelve to fifteen dollars a day. They have no savings, and because the quake has completely destroyed the towns in our area it is likely that they will be without income for some time. With food, water, and medical treatment finally arriving to our area, it's time to contemplate how those who have lost so much will rebuild their lives over the coming months. In attempts to be perfectly transparent I will say that this is not an emergency relief fund; we are gathering funds to help rebuild once the state of emergency has passed. Furthermore, all money donated to us will go first to helping Oscar's immediate and extended family rebuild their homes which have been damaged or destroyed and replace belongings that have been lost. Should we raise enough money to cover those costs, any remaining funds will go towards the enormous task of rebuilding our and neighbouring communities, with our priority being schools, community centres and homes. Should you wish to donate, please be aware that sites like PayPal and GoFundMe are businesses at their core and they do take a cut of everything they process. We decided to go with PayPal because they take a maximum cut of 2.9 percent, whereas GoFundMe takes five percent of every donation. For those of you who know me directly and are located in Canada there is also the option of an etransfer through online banking in which case there is no middle man taking a cut. Needless to say every penny donated to our cause will go directly to the families who need it. Follow the link to donate if you wish to help our family rebuild. Oscar and I feel truly blessed that we are in a position to help his family and other families in our community start anew, and we thank you for helping us accomplish this great task.


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