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Underground Fitness

302 Kennedy Dr, Esterhazy, Canada
Outdoor, Recreation & Fitness



24/hr Gym Located at 302 Kennedy Dr. Esterhazy. Monthly, weekly and drop in rates. Special couples rates available and student upon request.

Located at 320 Kennedy Dr Esterhazy. Brand new fitness facility, brand new equipment from brands such as Precor, Stairmaster, Precession, Tuff Stuff. Dumbbells doubled up from 10-55lbs going all the way to 110 lbs. Water on site included, unlimited tanning (standup bed) and supplement shop! Swipe Card Access 24 hours a day, 7 days a week ! Various different customer rates available!


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We hope everyone is enjoying the beautiful long weekend weather we are experiencing this year! This is a reminder that with tomorrow being a holiday Brits boot camp won't be running ... With bad news comes great news! This June we are offering 3 weeks of FREE classes, times will be running at 7 & 9 am, 12 noon and a 4 pm time! Monday to Thursday 💪🏻One class will be geared towards athletic training twice weekly! We will have the schedule to follow on Tuesday or Wednesday. These are FREE for anyone (member or non-member), we encourage everyone to get ahead this summer and get in the groove of regular exercise!

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Last week we had an equipment mix up, we thought we had a leg extension/ seated hamstring curl coming.. turns out it was just a single use item - seated hamstring curl only! The good news is - our new leg extension shipped out on Friday, the even better news is we are also keeping the seated hamstring curl! Updates today say Calgary! We will be seeing it on the floor shortly!

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Power is on, so getting to the gym today is not a problem! ZERO excuses 💪🏻

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Our power is still on!

Winners for our check in draw are as follows $75.00 Vibe Gift Card - Brittany April Gabora 2lb Tub of protein (or supplement equivalent in value) - Justine Banga You guys can pick up prizes next week!

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Among one of the things that keeps us inspired running a fitness facility is seeing it bring families together! We pride ourselves on keeping it a bit rough around the edges so you feel extra bad ass when you walk out those doors! Equipment is what gets you in, and the atmosphere is what keeps you coming back for more! Chains & sweat - after all this is not a tea party! #fitnessandfamily

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We will be posting our draw winners tomorrow! Have some new prizes this month 🎉

Underground Fitness

Don't forget groups run EVERY Monday & Wednesday 9 am & 12 Noon! These are charged on a drop in or punch card basis! First class is Always free with no commitment necessary! Brit looks forward to seeing you there!!!

Underground Fitness

Underground Fitness

Don't forget every Monday & Wednesday at 9 am & 12 Noon Brittany has group training! These are not 8 or 12 week sessions, offered on punch card or drop in basis with no commitment necessary! These groups are designed to be small and very inform

Underground Fitness

Winners for our March accountability check ins are as follows! $75 Mastercard GC - Camareigh Stewart $25 Whippletree GC - Tiffany Sikora & Trena Wetherby Thanks again for being patient, you will be able to pick the Gift cards up Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday in the office!

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While on Holidays in the gym this morning we did a quick social media scan to find this! When your Fri-Sun become the same as your Mon-Thurs YOU know you are on the right track! Lifestyle on point ladies ❤ That being said we are on some much needed Holidays - Viktoria & Brittany will be holding down the fort & we will make our draw a little late for March check ins! We will post our draw winners on Monday April 10th

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A pair of Ray Ban brand prescription glasses were left in the plyobox/ stretching mat corner and are now missing! If anyone has seen these glasses or took them home accidentally please return them to the office OR private msg us! The owner is looking for his glasses! we have confirmed they were still there last night at 930 pm! Thank you!
