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Meadowlands Fellowship Christian Reformed Church

211 Stonehenge Drive, Ancaster, Canada
Church/religious organization



At Meadowlands Fellowship (MFC) we believe Jesus himself comes as an invitation from God… to experience His world-changing love… and to follow him is to re


Adult Humour

Enjoy the gift of laughter about one minute into this video :)

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"Or do you show contempt for the riches of his kindness, forbearance and patience, not realizing that God’s kindness is intended to lead you to repentance?" Romans 2:4

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In the Beginning Was . . . Technology

A reflective article on how technology shapes us and how we can shape technology.

"At least...."--ouch! Had a discussion with a couple recently who are experiencing significant pain in their lives. They said one of the most painful things some people occasionally say to them, is, "At least...." Such a comment minimizes the pain someone is experiencing, and we ought not to use this phrase to hurting people. "Therefore encourage one another, and build each other up..." 1 Thessalonians 5:11.

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Despair and Hope This piece reflects the two main perspectives in the book of Job – God’s and Job’s. God’s perspective (the dove cradling the world) encompasses his love for “all he has made” and his plan for the redemption of all creation; Job is mired in his despair and suffering, without knowing the “why” of it all. From his limited perspective it is tempting to conclude that either he himself or God must be unrighteous. Satan, with permission from God, tempts Job, with the help of his wife and friends, to conclude that either God is not righteous, or that God’s withdrawal of his presence and Job’s afflictions are caused by Job himself. Satan does not succeed, however. Job continues to believe that God is good and trustworthy (as depicted by the Job figure facing the light of God rather than embracing the darkness); but he also continues to believe what he knows about himself – that he does not deserve this suffering. Not only is God righteous, but Job (unlike Adam) also maintains his righteous stature both in God’s eyes and in his own. Job’s story and faith, therefore, foreshadows the suffering and victory of Christ (the second Adam) over Satan in God’s redemption plan. Artist Judy Cook, photo of John Bijl

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"Love is a super power".. Such a great quote.

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Our boys club is a great place for young boys to be mentored by older men. These long boards are the results of weeks of hard work and great relationships. It will be great to see them completed soon. God is good!

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Redeemer University College

Neat story of how the Christian university right behind Meadowlands Fellowship equipped this student to live out her faith.

What Is the Christian Season of Lent?

Lent begins today, but what is it?

What is Shrove Tuesday?

Why is today Pancake Tuesday?

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Happy Chinese New Year! May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord make his face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you. May the Lord lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace. Numbers 6:24-26

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Enter our places of fear. I recently heard that if you want to drastically elevate your life, then consistently enter into your fears and embrace them as opportunities to grow. Then I thought of the disciples (Matthew 4:18-22) who left everything (a fearful decision) and followed Jesus. Then I wondered if I am a disciple that wants to elevate my life and step with Jesus into those places I most fear?
