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SHAPE International Christian Center

Rue Du Grand Coron, 42, Obourg, Belgium
Religious Organization



Shaping Lives For Eternal Purpose Welcome to the SHAPE Christian Center where we are reaching and involving members of the military and surrounding community in a Cornelius style ministry; shaping them through discipleship to discover, develop, and live out their own unique role in the body of Christ.  This ministry is one of racial diversity.  No one is excluded. Everyone is welcome.  Our aim is to advance the culture of Christ in this community by following His example and being His disciples; embracing the nations of this world with the love of God in order to share with them the good news of the gospel.


Join us for our annual Community Thanksgiving Dinner, Thursday, November 23rd @1830 (6:30pm) at SHAPE ICC. We look forward to a great time of friendship and sharing an American Thanksgiving meal with our neighbors!

If you’ve been looking for or waiting for the opportunity to stoke and keep the “embers of love” going, then this is the event for you! Join with other couples as we visit the principles and elements that serve to enrichment marriages of all durations.

If you’ve been looking for or waiting for the opportunity to stoke and keep the “embers of love” going, then this is the event for you! Join with other couples as we visit the principles and elements that serve to enrichment marriages of all durations.

In the midst of whatever difficult circumstances you might be facing in this very moment, pause and whisper these fear-calming, soul-settling truths to your own heart: God loves me. He has a plan. And He absolutely can be trusted. ~ Lisa TerKeurst

Today the men of the S.H.A.P.E. I.C.C. took pleasure in serving our wives, and the mother of our children...and for others, it was an opportunity to acknowledge their moms. Our Mother's Day celebration began with each man "surprisingly," and openly, sharing words from the heart, and delivering a carnation to their wife with the words, #ICelebrateYou! Afterwards, the women were served a dinner "fit for a queen," and served by their king!

Celebrating the amazing moms and women of SHAPE ICC!

"Her children arise and call her blessed." Proverbs 31:28.

"Never stop praying." 1 Thessalonians 5:17 Today many Americans are observing the #NationalDayofPrayer in the United States. But for all of us, it's a great reminder to pray continually for our country, government and leaders, schools, family and more. Who will you be praying for today?

I needed this today, and I thought perhaps I might not be the only one. "My Creator and God. I concede that You are the author of all things. That You created all men and women in Your image and likeness, and have given us the authority to spread Your influence throughout Your creation. Out of pride, selfishness and ignorance, we rebelled against You, and turned to our own ways. However, in love and compassion for us, You pursued us, and sacrificed Your only Son for us. Forgive us. Rescue us. Restore us. And grant us the ability to live lives that honour You in every way. Forgive us for the hurt and disappointment we've caused You and others. And help us to forgive those who have caused us the same. May we live our lives in response to Your grace, and may we extend it to those who are in need of it as we were. We offer our whole selves to You, spirit, soul and body. Amen."


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