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WAY Wer bist du (Who are you - WAY)?
Mit "WAY - planetary heredity" findest Du deinen Weg. Die Geburtsbildanalyse von WAY ist ein hilfreiches und akkurates "Werkzeug" mittels welchem Du wieder deine Mitte findest.
Es ist bewiesen (Michel Gauquelin, frz. Psychologe und Statistiker), dass die Positionen der Planeten Mond, Mars, Saturn und Jupiter einen nachweislichen "Einfluss" auf das Verhalten der Menschen haben. Dein Horoskop zeigt demnach die Grundstruktur deiner Persönlichkeit an und beschreibt sowohl das Potential als auch die Grenzen. Insofern kann diese Momentaufnahme der Energieverhätlnisse als "Landkarte der Seele", als Wegweiser betrachtet werden, der die Stellung eines Individuums im Geflecht des Ganzen beschreibt. Zu wissen, wer man ist und wohin man gehört, bedeutet die Vergangenheit zu verstehen und die Zukunft zu gestalten. Es ist DEIN Weg. WAY.

Who are you (WAY)? The accurate and indivdualized WAY- Planetary heredity analysis help you to reorientate and reorganize yourself.
Michel Gauquelin (french psychologist and statistician) proved scientifically that the positions of the natal moon, Mars, Saturn and Jupiter do exert an influence on human behaviour (and of course every living creature). Your birth chart hence depicts the framework of the basic structure of your personality, it shows your potential as well as your limits. Your birthchart represents your starting point aswell as a signpost that shows into a certain direction (the so called "destiny"). Knowing your potential and your limits helps you to get control of your life by recentering you, enhancing focussing and creativity.

Knowing yourself is understanding the past and creating the future. It´s YOUR Way.


Tata de Duminica (1974)

Dragi prieteni, azi impartasesc o interpretare "astrologica" al filmului "tata de duminica" (1974), care m-a impresionat foarte mult si care m-a inspirat sa scriu textul de mai jos. Este vorba despre constelatia "Soare/Saturn" care este intruchipata intr-un mod exemplar si fenomenal in protagonistul Mircea Dan, inginerul automecanic. Daca nu cunoasteti filmul deja va recomand sa-l vedeti inainte de a citi analiza. Cu toate ca ma refer la anumite pasaje si convorbiri citandu-le. atmosfera dramatica a filmului se pierde putin in prezentarea "intelectuala", motiv pentru care filmul si interpretarea alcatuiesc o entitate. Deci nu pierdeti oportunitatea de a cunoaste personajul "saturnic" atat pe nivel intelectual cat si pe nivel artistic. --------------------------------------------------------- „TATA DE DUMINICA“ - RESPONSABILITATEA (O interpretare a constelatiei „Soare/Saturn“ prin mediul artistic) 'Facem un pariu? - Regret. Nu fac pariuri din principiu. Nu-ti place sa pierzi? - Nu-mi place sa risc.' LABORO ERGO SUM Citatul de mai sus (nu-mi place sa risc) rezuma constelatia „Soare/Saturn“ in mod reprezentativ si reda esenta ei care fiind: responsabilitatea individului fata de societate. Filmul „Tata de duminica“1 (1975) ajunge la esenta energiei „saturnica“ si demonstreaza „gravitatea existentei umane“ intr-un mod foarte autentic si plastic. Plot-ul este cat se poate de simplu din punct de vedere cinematografic. Situatia este diferita din punct de vedere emotional, fiindca ne vorbeste despre complexitatea relatiilor omenesti, atat pe nivel individual cat si pe acel social. La inceputul filmului protagonistii par sa existe izolati unul de altul, fiecare traind in tristetea si resignare lui. Insa cu cat avansam mai mult in povestire cu atat mai mult invatam despre complexitatea legaturilor intre indivizii implicati. Cu aceasta recunoastem „interdependenta“ (de care si ei, de altfel, isi dau seama pe masura ce situatia se agraveaza) care ii conecteaza. Cu alte cuvinte: un individ nu poate exista izolat de contextul cultural in care s-a nascut sau in care traieste. Cum omul nu este o insula trebuie sa devina constient in primul rand de identitatea proprie si de dorintele si aspiratiile lui. In consecinta trebuie sa gaseasca un modus operandi de a-si exprima aceasta identitate in mod adecvat, gasind un echilibru intre dorintele proprii si cerintele al mediului. Simbologia al lui Saturn ne vorbeste despre interconectivitatea a totului si – cel mai important – ne aminteste ca fiecare este si va fi tinut responsabil atat pentru actiunile cat si pentru omisiunile sale. Cu toate ca in film acest „judecator“ este reprezentat in personajul „classic“ al procurorului Manta (care e o figura „saturnica“ in sensul reprezentarii al legii), eu nu ma refer ineaparat la acest model patriarhal (care propagheaza pedeapsa ca un mijloc „efectiv“, chiar „sfant“) ci vorbesc despre „legea consecintelor neintentionate“2 (R. K. Merton), care ne invata ca o actine sau strategie aplicata poate produce un efect nedorit. Pornind de la aceasta teorie sustin ca fiecare om care este in deplinatatea facultatilor sale mintale poate trage concluzii mai mult sau mai putin adecvate in parcursul vietii sale, deducand anumite „legi“ servindu-se nu numai de puteriile intelectului dar si de cele instinctului. Astfel trebuie sa ajunga mai tarziu sau mai devreme la „aceiasi concluzie“ ca orice persoana responsabila. Numai astfel ajunge omul la concluziii sanatoase si durabile. La urma urmei, esenta responsabilitatii nu este negarea si abandonarea sufletului in favoarea intelectului rece, ci protectia subiectivitatii, dar nu pe nivel individual ci pe un nivel „general“, in sensul principiului stravechi „sa nu furi“, pentru ca nimanui nu-i place sa fie jefuit. Vorbind despre consecinte, legi si responsabilitate pasim in raiul lui Saturn in care ratiunea domneste. Aici subiectivitatea conteaza numai intr-atat, incat individul reuseste sa se implice in societate si se dovedeste util. Energia care la inceput (Berbec) exista fara forma si scop, este directionata si formata in cursul progresului, unde „Capricornul“ se afla la „apogeul“ acestui proces. Aici energia este canalizata in structuri permanente cu scopul de a o concentra si de a o directiona. Rezultatul este ca individul dominat de aceasta energie evita riscuri, prezumtii si subiectivitati si cauta mereu sa fie util (workaholic: „Iarta-ma, sunt ocupat. Stii doar cata treaba am.“). De altfel nu face nici o data ceva fara scop si intentie. De asemenea nu participa la activitati numai pentru amuzament. Acest principiu se arata in spiritul competitiv al tatalui (Mircea) care urmareste cu nervozitate cursa la care fiul sau (Bogdan) participa in fiecare duminica, anticipand victoria. Trebuie sa castige, pentru ca a pierde nu este o optiune. Bogdan,si el la randul lui infectat cu acest spirit orientat inspre rezistenta, este obsedat de dorinta de a fi primul, mai ales pentru ca stie ca numai astfel poate „castiga“ admiratia si dragostea tatalui sau („de-ai stii cat te iubesc taticule. Am sa trag numai in luna, chiar daca n-am sa o ochiesc“), caruia „infrangere“ trebuie invinsa in fiecare zi cu o noua victorie („Dar cursa am castigat-o eu, nu m-a ajutat nimeni!“ - „Fara discutie, dar ce crezi, ca puteai s-o pierzi?“ - „Trebuia s-o castig.“ - „Trebuia?“ - „Trebuia, am vrut sa-ti fac un cadou...“). Cu atat mai mult cat Mircea isi percepe viata proprie ca un esec, cu atat mai mult il impinge pe fiul sau sa invinga, sa „castige cursa“, compensand astfel infrangerea lui. Fiecare triumf care i-l face Bogdan lui cadou ii provoaca bucuria si mandria, dar si – in fond – o oarecare invidie, care ii transmite fiului ca „nu e inca destul“. Cea mai importanta confirmare ai propriei valori este prestarea, iar legitimarea propriei existente este utilitatea acestei prestari (adica valoarea care ii este acordata din partea societatii). In conformitate cu proverbul care zice ca valoarea unei persoane nu consta in identitatea ei, ci in ceea ce creeaza, vesnic nelinistit, nemultumit si dezamagit, Mircea se dedica indeplin muncii si reduce orice alta obligatie (care nu aduce nici un castig masurabil) la minim. Astfel poate nutri sentimentul de a fi „util“, oferind prestatii automecanice, caruia servicii se pot masura cu bani. Relatiie interumane sunt exact contrariul afacerilor si ca atare greu de evaluat, fiindca nu exista nici o data un punct sau o linie care separa interlocutorii in mod clar si irevocabil. Limitele sunt vage si flexibile. Iar aceste „fapte“ il inspaimanta pe Mircea pentru ca pierde controlul asupra situatiei. O INIMA ARIDA In acest cerc vicios, abilitatea si disponibilitatea lui Mircea de a raspunde la cerinte emotionale este redusa, ceea ce creeaza un sentiment de esec si de inferioritate si mareste frustrarea interumana. Cum si nevoile de baza al lui Mircea au ramas neindeplinite, si el intampina nevoile celorlalti in mod aspru („Te priveste“). A ramas fara speranta, fara consolare si fara apartenenta, motiv pentru care a dezvoltat un sens puternic de independenta si responsabilitate. Nimeni nu are dreptul sa patrunda in inima lui, iar cine indrazneste sa-l intrebe „ce mai faci?“ cu prea mare compatimire cade in ridicol si este coplesit cu sarcasm (Mona, prietena lui, insista sa afle „cum a fost“ intalnirea cu Bogdan („bine“) , si ce mai face „ea“ („Excellent. Iti transmite salutari sincere si cordiale.“), dupa care Mircea se ridica iritat din pat, isi arunca in mod teatral prosopul peste umar si incepe sa monologhizeze: „Tovarase presedinte al instantei! ... Eu sunt un inginer automecanic. Adica raspund de o autobaza. Atat am invatat, atata stiu. Spre deosebire de un batran, care mi se pare se numeste Santiago, eu nu visez nimic. Eu visez autobuze, autocamioane si fel de fel de cuvinte care incep cu „auto“, inafara de cuvantul autocritica, dupa cum sustine sotiia mea, care mai sustine ca-mi neglijez familia. Dupa cum obsevati, eu nu contrazic. … Un an de conciliere, de meditatie este exact ceea ce-mi trebuie. Dar cum nu cunosc nici din categoria marilori filozofi pe cineva care sa fi meditat in patul conjugal, cu voia dumneavoastra sau … fara voia dumneavoastra voi medita acest an in alt pat, adica in alta parte. S-ar putea sa ajung la concluzia ca viata e ca o fantana. S-ar putea apoi sa recunosc ca nu e. Imi oferiti aceasta posibilitate? Va multumesc. … Va salut tovarese presedinte cu respect si raman al dumneavoastra Mircea Dan.“ Apoi adaoga mai tarziu ca „... si-ul asta exista numai intre femei. Intre barbati e punct“. Cu alte cuvinte: am inchis discutia, nu mai este nimic de zis. Astfel vorbind, Mircea nu numai ridiculizeaza existenta omeneasca, ci duce si sensul vietii ad absurdum. Cand intimitatea se instaleaza, Mircea nu numai se simte nesigur pe sine dar il cuprinde si o panica indefinita, motiv pentru care se simte nevoit ori sa glumeasca ori sa se refugieze in sarcasm („Daca vre-o data imi mai zici puisor, cocosel sau iepuras, ma duc in bucatarie si m-arunc in oala cu ciorba“). Respingerea cerintelor sau a nevoilor celorlalti este legitimata cu munca, care are intotdeauna prioritate si care serveste ca un alibi pentru frica de a se apropia de ceilalti („Mama a facut snitele ..“ - „Si crema de zahar ars?“ - „Da, e duminica. Nu vii sa mananci cu noi?“ - „Tocmai voiam sa te-treb, nu vii sa mananci cu mine?“ - „Nu vii sa mananci cu noi?“ - „Nu vrei sa mananci cu mine?“ - „Iarta-ma, sunt ocupat. Stii doar cata treaba am“). PRINCIPIALITATE Principialitatea si simtul neinduplecat de raspundere sunt indubitabil cele mai eminente atuuri al acestei constelatii. Nu exista nici o scuza cand este vorba de a-si rezuma responsabilitatea pentru o anumita actiune. Astfel Mircea, protagonistul filmului, cu toate ca evenimentele il coplesesc si il socheaza, nu ezita nici o clipa sa-si asume raspunderea pentru accidentul provocat de camionul sau (caruia verificare inaninte de aprobare a neglijat-o din cauza vestii ca Bogdan nu s-a intors acasa dupa ce el, tatal, a refuzat sa accepte invitatia la „snitele si crema de zahar ars“). La acest nivel ridicat de principialitate consecinta logica este ca Mircea e chinuit de sentimentul de vinovatie in fata evenimentelor. Iar acest sentiment intensifica disponibilitatea de a accepta „pedeapsa“. Partea in care este demonstrat cel descris este aceea, in care Mircea este chemat la procuratura, unde Manta, - pe de-o parte procuror (drept si ca atare „bun“, pentru ca „e tot una“), pe de alta parte tatal lui George (cel mai bun prieten si „adversar“ al lui Bogdan), si in sfarsit prietenul lui de duminica, cu care impartaseste un pahar de cognac – il instiinteaza ca a fost chemat ca sa se disculpe. „Legea generoasa, desi n-are dubii in legatura cu culpa, iti da dreptul aceasta prima confrontare cu organul anchetator. Esti chemat astazi aici ca sa te disculpi. Bineinteles daca ai un motiv intemeiat pentru problema asta. Intrebarea este, il ai?“ - „Nu. Nu-l am.“ - „Mai gandeste-te.“ - „N-am la ce. Raspund de verificarea tehnica pentru peste 800 de camioane. Autobuze basculante..“ - „Depaseste puterile unui om?“ - „Depaseste, nu depaseste, asta mi-e functie. Pentru asta primesc leafa ...“. Mircea, un demn reprezentator al principiului saturnic, refuza categoric sa-si ofere scuzele in fata faptelor. Ce s-a intamplat, s-a intamplat iar acum trebuie sa poarte consecintele cu barbatie (adica braveaza, cum obisnuieste domnul Manta sa-l tachineze). Singurul indiciu al nervozitatii este gestul de a-si aprinde o tigareta. Privirea rigida si postura nemiscata al lui Mircea amintesc de un animal speriat in stare de soc. Dar in fondul ingrozirii sclipeste iarasi joker-ul, readucand elementul absurd pe scena prin raspunsul laconic al lui Mircea la intrebarea lui George (referitoare la cursa duminicii urmatoare) „Sunt cumplit de ocupat. … S-ar putea sa nu vin intre 4 duminici si 104.“ A BRAVA SAU NU A BRAVA ... E frumos aici la dumneata. - E frumos aici. La dumneata e de prisos. Unde aveai camera de lucru? - La autobaza. … De ce domnule? De ce ai facut asta pentru mine? Ce-ti sunt eu frate, var, unchi? .. N-ai obosit sa tot bravezi, domnule? -Ma simteam mai bine la procuratura. Iar bravezi. Folosind acest mic dialog care are loc in apartamentul lui Adriana (cu ocazia zilei de nastere al lui Bogdan) abordam urmatorul „simptom“ a constelatiei „Soare/Saturn“: bravura si curajul. Manta si Mircea aici intra pentru prima data intr-o convorbire intima unde mai ales Mircea nu se simte in largul sau fiindca prefera relatiile formale („Ma simteam mai bine la procuratura“). Dupa ce prietenul sau i-a dat de inteles ca in fondul refuzului de a accepta invitatia la ziua lui Bogdan sade frica, Mircea se da batut si, dupa ce au cumparat un buchet de flori, se altura si ei la petrecere. Bravura implica o stare de stres incontinua, o stimulare neintrerupta al sistemului nervos simpatic, care la randul lui provoaca eliberarea hormonului de stres, adrenalina. Starea mentala de concentrare si tensiunea corespunde cu procesul biologic, care iarasi depinde de atitudinea lui Mircea si modul lui de a interpreta intamplarile din imprejur. Precum am mentionat mai sus este orientat inspre rezistenta, ceea ce il tine mereu in modusul „fight or flight“3.Determinarea cu care el abordeaza totul ce face este inradacinata in experienta din copilarie, care l-a invatat ca nu se poate baza pe nimeni decat pe el insusi. Cine se bizuieste pe altii este pierdut, aceasta este realitatea lui Mircea. Nu risca, nu se joaca si nu imparte, de asemenea nu presupune nimic, nu spera nimic si nu crede in nimic altceva decat in propriile lui aptitudini. Afectiunea, generozitatea (fara calcul) si empatia ii raman vesnic suspecte pentru ca nu vede nici o valoare „practica“ in ele („De ce domnule? De ce ai facut asta pentru mine?..“). Singura certitudine pe care Mircea o are („Certitudini! Certitudini! Vai ce bine e sai ai certitudini!“), este ca fiecare om trebuie sa accepte consecintele faptelor sale si sa traga o concluzie. Si punct. Mircea nu indrazneste sa intoarca spatele lumii, e mereu pregatit, competent, harnic si mai ales de neinlocuit datorita eficientei lui („... un inginer capabil, talentat, pasionat de profesia lui, apreciat pentru aceste calitati incontestabile ...“). Incapabil de a se relaxa, de a reflecta si de a digera stimulii exteriori, Mircea simte o panica vaga fata de propria-i subiectivitate, care cauta s-o evite refugiandu-se in munca. Luand toate cele descrise in considerare, intelegem de ce Mircea respinge oferta de a se desculpa, pe care de altfel o percepe mai mult ca o insulta decat ca o sansa: Prietenul sau Manta, care incearca sa-l inteleaga, demonstreaza rabdare in procesul lamuririi. Ii da de inteles ca cu aceasta atitudine incapatanata („Iar bravezi“) nu va impresiona judecatorul si ca singura sansa unei micsorari a pedepsei consta in recunoasterea ca munca depaseste puterile sale. Pledoaria care urmeaza nu ramane fara efect iar Mircea o asculta cu mare atentie, rezemat de un camion, cu mainile incrucisate, ganditor si dezorientat („Atata vreme cat crezi ca a fost un accident, nu esti pregatit! … In fond daca ma gandesc bine, dupa cat te cunosc … ti-as putea fi un bun aparator. 'Clientul meu, onorata instanta, este un inginer capabil, talentat, pasionat de profesia lui, apreciat pentru aceste calitati incontestabile.' Si n-as minti vorbind astfel despre dumneata.“). Apoi urmeaza sentinta judecatorului, pe care Manta o interpreteaza astfel: „'Inginer Mircea Danu, ceea ce ti se-a intamplat nu a fost un accident si dumneata stii asta foarte bine. A fost o consecinta fireasca a superficialitatii dumitale din viata. Din viata de dincolo de camioanele astea. Cat de grabit ai fost sa-ti refaci viata plecand de acasa. Victima in proprii ochi si mai ales in ochii altora, dar de fapt fluturas liber. Cu cat mai compatimit cu atat mai liber. Ti-ai exagerat obligatiile profesionale pana cand ai ajuns sa reduci la zero toate celelalte obligatii. Le stii nu ti-i le mai amintesc. Iar aceste „celelalte obligatii“ s-au razbunat. Accidentul tragic cu Neagul nu e chiar intamplator. Dumneata erai cu mintea in alta parte. Iar aici la munca n-ai adus decat dezordinea din viata dumitale. Acum va trebui sa platesti. Fiindca e normal sa platesti.' Atat dragul me pentru azi, ne mai vedem“. Dupa aceasta alocutiune considerabila, sfarsitul filmului pare mai mult ca un inceput unui nou ciclu. Cu toate ca rezultatul procesului nu este dezvaluit, schimbarea care a avut loc in inima lui Mircea se observa in recunostinta pe care i-o acorda angajatiilor sai. Atmosfera nu mai este atat de grea si deprimata, subiectele se misca cu mai multa usurinta pe scena. Cu toate ca problema nu e rezolvata, noua recunoastere ca nimeni nu e singur, creeaza speranta si incredere in viata. Mircea recunoaste ca aspiratia lui de a ramane independent si liber poate avea si consecinte neintentionate. De asemenea trebuie sa-si respecte TOATE obligatiile recunoscand ca inafara de automecanic e si tata, partener si prieten. Surse: 1 2 3

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Do you want to grow by making a CHANGE? Do you want to make a difference by being AUTHENTIC? Do you want to get a grip on yourself and regain CONTROL? And how about becoming responsible through gaining INSIGHT? Order your individual and unique birth chart interpretation. It will show you the WAY.

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Photos from WAY -'s post

Johnny Cash – An Empire of Dirt If one wants to “explain” the principle of the zodiacal sign Pisces or simply how Neptune “works”, Johnny Cash – the charismatic and rough-hewn American musician, country western singer and guitar player – is one of the most telling examples. He knew he would be a singer since the age of four and his sister recalls that – instead helping his family picking cotton – he would stare at the birds or an aeroplane or lean on his hoe. Daydreaming is typical of “Neptunians”, as is the abuse of drugs and alcohol. But this affinity is part and parcel of the limitless and formless energy of Neptune. Music and all Art in general belong to the realm of Pisces because they describe the unseen and tell the unspoken. We find this describing element in Johnny´s songs and in the adjunct of the „storyteller“, which his audience has given him. People born under the „neptunian star“ tend to have a brush with the law. It would be a mistake, however, to interpret this inclination as an inborn wickedness of the „perpetrators“. It would be more appropriate to regard it as a symptom of suppressed societal issues (which are always being unconsciously acted out by „criminals“). Knowing that the „neptunic“ energy aims at braking boundaries, eliminating differences and polarities, at dissolving matter and repealing man-made and artificial laws, one can only marvel at the “creative chaos” which is being created on behalv of this assignment and try to deal with it in an adequate way. The 12th house, of which the sign Pisces is the ruler, is traditionally connected to public institutions like hospitals, prison, asylums and retreats. If we take a closer look at these we can identify the most striking common feature of all these institutions: the suspension of time. This in turn represents the essence of Pisces and the concern of its “messenger”, Neptune. Isolation happens here either voluntarily (through retreat or meditation) or involuntarily (asylum, prison, hospital). Johnny Cash, the Man in Black, was always solidary with the disadvantaged people: He was known for his concern for the abused and underprivileged, including those in prisons. “I don’t see any good coming out of a prison. You put them in like animals and tear the souls and guts out of them, and let them out worse than they went in.” Thus Johnny judged prisons, performing there twice and feeling deep compassion and kinship towards the imprisoned men. Again Neptune. Compassion, empathy and high sensibility for „questions of principle“, which all result directly into a fervent love for truth and consequently an inborn loathing for anything that is fake. The song “hurt”, one of his last ones, is abound with the above described neptunian theme (pain, isolation, sadness, depression) and paints a fragile image of human nature, calling things by their name but nevertheless touching these topics with prudence and compassion. I hurt myself today To see if I still feel I focus on the pain The only thing that’s real The needle tears a hole The old familiar sting Try to kill it all away But I remember everything [Chorus:] What have I become My sweetest friend Everyone I know goes away In the end And you could have it all My empire of dirt I will let you down I will make you hurt I wear this crown of thorns Upon my liar’s chair Full of broken thoughts I cannot repair Beneath the stains of time The feelings disappear You are someone else I am still right here [Chorus:] What have I become My sweetest friend Everyone I know goes away In the end And you could have it all My empire of dirt I will let you down I will make you hurt If I could start again A million miles away I would keep myself I would find a way

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This is the best documentary on George Michael. Enjoy! Voilà cel mai bun film documentar despre artistul George Michael. Va doresc vizionare placuta!

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Va multumesc tuturor pt. Like-uri :))

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WAY -'s cover photo

WAY -'s cover photo

... spring is coming! New beginnings also on my website: new design and posts. More to come. Have a peek inside :-))

Photos from WAY -'s post

George Michael - a commanding presence Authenticity Verily, he possessed of a commanding presence. George Michael not only through his work attracted and directed all attention but also through his sensual and fragile appearance. With the moon in the fiery and majestic sign Leo he embodied the all penetrating presence, which knows only itself, filling the space with its radiance and volume. George's work is vibrant with animal magnetism (Mars/Pluto/Uranus) and shows simultaneously the delicate and vulnerable traits of his melancholic nature (Moon/Saturn). With the sun in the twelfth field he wants to bring forth the hidden and concealed elements (whereby his main concern is the individual and its freedom to act and express itself authentically) and make taboo´s speakable (sexuality, convictions, social position). Refusing to do things just because they are acknowledged or useful, he chooses to “cruise”, never get down in the dirt, live his life “sharp as a knive”2. Likewise, he cautions us just to stop if we do not enjoy what we do, “... take pleasure in leisure and make the most of every day”3, calling everybody a jerk who sells his soul to his job and material security. A ready tongue With his quick-wittedness and “brutal sincerity” (Mars/Pluto) George Michael provoked as well consciously (political engagement) as unconsciously (sincerity) the “God´s anger”: his way of talking and singing openly about sexuality yielded the discontent of his conservative country fellows. Furthermore, his individualism and authenticity drove him into conflict with his record company and he also made himself unpopular by mentioning the shortcomings of the American political leadership (President Bush). In spite of his “tough guy” image, George was basically a humble and sensitive person (dominant Neptune). Although he bubbled with ideas and thoughtful arguments (Mars/Uranus) he displayed patience and empathy when interacting with others, listening carefully (Cancer rising, Sun in 12th house), trying to get the “unspoken” messages, politely making himself clear. He always took a stand for the poor and neglected and described masterly the greed and fear of modern man (song “praying for time”). He also was one of the first celebrities to become involved in charity work. Misunderstood The most fascinating paradox about George is the contradiction between his flamboyant behaviour and his inner insecurity (he was never satisfied with his looks, only at 40 began he to become reconciled with it). Albeit he lived the life he longed for (artist), he felt overwhelmed by it and often wished he was “... born with that particular suit of armour..”4 which would have helped him to keep his composure. True to his sensitive nature he detested promoting tours and the “commercialization” of his music (videos), longing to stay at home „...and watch the album going to number one in various territories without ever having to stay in front of a camera or deal with it ...“5. With Mars, Pluto and Uranus in Virgo George is an unnerving perfectionist, who prepares his performance meticulously, whereby Elton John describes him as “an unnerving friend”, hinting at his overcautiousness and his “ready-for-my-close-up-attitude”.6 George wanted to be loved. But as the content of his songs show and the birth chart suggests: he couldn´t find any comfort (Moon/Saturn, Sun/Neptune, Pluto/Uranus). Betrayal, emotional isolation, disillusionment and abandonment are the main themes of his songs. “It´s hard to love, there´s so much to hate”, he muses in “praying for time”, whereby the analogy of the “wounded skies above” depicts so well his broken heart. References: 1 ( 2 3 4 5 6

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George Michael - a commanding presence

AUTHENTICITY: Verily, he possessed of a commanding presence. George Michael not only through his work attracted and directed all attention but also through his sensual and fragile appearance. With the moon in the fiery and majestic sign Leo he embodied the all penetrating presence, which knows only itself, filling the space with its radiance and volume. George's work is vibrant with animal magnetism (Mars/Pluto/Uranus) and shows simultaneously the delicate and vulnerable traits of his melancholic nature (Moon/Saturn). With the sun in the twelfth field he wants to bring forth the hidden and concealed elements (whereby his main concern is the individual and its freedom to act and express itself authentically) and make taboo´s speakable (sexuality, convictions, social position). Refusing to do things just because they are acknowledged or useful, he chooses to “cruise”, never get down in the dirt, live his life “sharp as a knive”2. Likewise, he cautions us just to stop if we do not enjoy what we do, “... take pleasure in leisure and make the most of every day”3, calling everybody a jerk who sells his soul to his job and material security. A READY TONGUE: With his quick-wittedness and “brutal sincerity” (Mars/Pluto) George Michael provoked as well consciously (political engagement) as unconsciously (sincerity) the “God´s anger”: his way of talking and singing openly about sexuality yielded the discontent of his conservative country fellows. Furthermore, his individualism and authenticity drove him into conflict with his record company and he also made himself unpopular by mentioning the shortcomings of the American political leadership (President Bush). In spite of his “tough guy” image, George was basically a humble and sensitive person (dominant Neptune). Although he bubbled with ideas and thoughtful arguments (Mars/Uranus) he displayed patience and empathy when interacting with others, listening carefully (Cancer rising, Sun in 12th house), trying to get the “unspoken” messages, politely making himself clear. He always took a stand for the poor and neglected and described masterly the greed and fear of modern man (song “praying for time”). He also was one of the first celebrities to become involved in charity work. MISUNDERSTOOD: The most fascinating paradox about George is the contradiction between his flamboyant behaviour and his inner insecurity (he was never satisfied with his looks, only at 40 began he to become reconciled with it). Albeit he lived the life he longed for (artist), he felt overwhelmed by it and often wished he was “... born with that particular suit of armour..”4 which would have helped him to keep his composure. True to his sensitive nature he detested promoting tours and the “commercialization” of his music (videos), longing to stay at home „...and watch the album going to number one in various territories without ever having to stay in front of a camera or deal with it ...“5. With Mars, Pluto and Uranus in Virgo George is an unnerving perfectionist, who prepares his performance meticulously, whereby Elton John describes him as “an unnerving friend”, hinting at his overcautiousness and his “ready-for-my-close-up-attitude”.6 George wanted to be loved. But as the content of his songs show and the birth chart suggests: he couldn´t find any comfort (Moon/Saturn, Sun/Neptune, Pluto/Uranus). Betrayal, emotional isolation, disillusionment and abandonment are the main themes of his songs. “It´s hard to love, there´s so much to hate”, he muses in “praying for time”, whereby the analogy of the “wounded skies above” depicts so well his broken heart. REFERENCES: 1 ( 2 3 4 5 6

George Michael - a commanding presence

Timeline Photos

It is quite a hell of a job to break through the vicious circle of hesitation- missed opportunity- frustration. And don't let yourself be fooled by those who display a very "active" life full of projects and an "i-am-everywhere-and-nowhere" attitude. Neither are all withdrawn and silent people idle. Hesitation has different masks. The former as well as the latter share the fear of acting according to their true nature. The activist seeks worldly success (legitimation of one's existence through utility and performance) and the lethargist isolation and anonymity (refusal of cooperation, auto-aggression). There are the maniacs and here the depressive: Active and passive hesitation. Hesitation holds back energy and blocks the flow. It is a constant irritation between the prefrontal cortex and the limbic system. The frustration one experiences consumes mental aswell as physical ressources. Your body has to deal with a constant secretion of "stop!"(adrenaline)- and "go!"(endorphine) hormones which flood your adrenals and your liver. One very common symptome of this situation is the adrenal-fatigue syndrome. Hesitation puts a strain on our brain as it is made for solving problems. Whenever it gets too much the system will simply shut down and refuse to take signals in. Hesitation is born out of fear. I thus would like to conclude that we should not force ourselves into bravery but analyse those hidden aspects that prevent us from taking the leap.

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Timeline Photos

Wisdom is DOING it.

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Photos from WAY -'s post

Just like the ivy leaf makes its way through stone, climbs up steep walls and trees, clinging to its host, the unconscious contents go on to be part and parcel of our personal life. We can't and should not ban them from the façade of our conscience. Use them as a decoration, as the ivy leaf will give you shelter from the summer heat.

Photos from WAY -'s post
