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Eprapah Scout Environment Education Centre

330 Colburn Avenue, Victoria Point, Australia
Local Business



Scouts Queensland property designated by the Redlands City Council for environmental purposes.  Formerly leader training, now youth environment training.   This is a Scouts Queensland property.  Please provide a donation when entering the park, no dogs, no trailbikes, no littering, and no unauthorised camping.  

First state centre for Scout leader training, from 1928 to 1956, and for Scout environmental conservation training since 1973 onwards.  

Part of the wildlife corridor from Mount Cotton to Victoria Point.  Indigenous heritage (and nearby Coochie Mudlo Island), as well as premier scouting history.  Now the scene of many bushwalking trails, and riparian and other ecosystems and biodiversity.  

See also  


What bird is that? What macropod is that? What big hairy thing with eight legs is crawling up my arm? Well we have the field guide for you! Free, doesn't data-mine you too much (photos and Wi-Fi ?location tracking status), but can be large to download.

Number twos, scats, whatever you call it, we're looking for this monotreme's existence! Get collecting. Get photographing. Not sure what the echidna looks like? Portrait on the 5 c piece! Track a Tachyglossus tomorrow... carefully!

Remember sitting in history, thinking “If I was alive then, I would’ve…” You’re alive now. Whatever you’re doing is what you would’ve done. #BeTheChange #ScoutsLead #BetterTomorrow #ThinkGlobalActLocal #ThinkGlobalActGlobal

Scouting -- Researching the environment through great learning. The great great game! Einstein (almost) said the same -- Play is the highest form of research. Actually he said: “The desire to arrive finally at logically connected concepts is the emotional basis of a vague play with basic ideas. This combinatory or associative play seems to be the essential feature in productive thought”

Brisbane northsiders and Redcliffe Scouters.

Treeting yourself lately? And how well are you treeting the environment? When on camp this weekend or in next week's programme, ask how you are greening Australia.

CHALLENGE TIME! It is said if you put $2 coins in a 600 mL plastic Coke bottle, you will save up approximately $1000 (enough for a holiday to somewhere). 1. How many A$2 coins could you theoretically get into such a container? 2. If you drank two-a-day, five days a week, how many containers would you have to drink to reach the same price, and over how many weeks? 3. How much fizzy drink have you consumed (L), and how much would you have saved ($) if you just drank the tap water equivalent? 4. Where should all that plastic go? Where does it really go? Good for an evening activity -- each section should take less time. Rovers, you should have the answer within ten minutes. Double-check your assumptions! And... post your responses!

Are you in Cairns this Monday afternoon? Want to learn about how reduce waste at home, and save money? Find out about food miles. We don't endorse organisations, but we do endorse good practices. Check out more at -- Australia-wide.

Are we being good custodians of the Earth? Hong Kong has no room for new cemeteries, let alone the living. Walk around Bangkok. See New York garbage scows. Housing on toxic dumps. Think global, act local. How are your scouting going to make a better world, today and tomorrow?
