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You in Balance

Tennis Centre - 75 Deanmore St Scarborough, Scarborough, Australia
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We love stretching! Our focus is YIN YOGA. We promote deep fascia stretching in a slow, mindful practice.  You In Balance specialises in YIN YOGA with a focus on meditation, deep fascia release and flow through the Chinese meridians.

In my eyes, life is all about BALANCE. By looking after number 1 - (that is YOU!) and getting some balance where you can, I firmly believe that we can live a happier, healthier more fulfilling life.

Balancing out your lifestyle with a quiet practice, such as YIN is the perfect way to end your day.

The focus of the classes change each week.

The deep fascia is mostly the connective tissues of the body. Within this connective tissue lays the QI/CHI, or the PRANA. The energy flow that we talk about when doing Tai Chi or QI Gong.

When we practice YIN YOGA we stimulate the QI in the meridians, thus in turn gaining a great benefit both physically and energetically.

My studies in YIN have been with Jo Phee (International Teacher Trainer). I give thanks and respect to Jo, for the opportunity to learn to teach YIN YOGA and in turn thank Jo's teachers, Paul Grilley and Sarah Powers.

To read more on YIN YOGA, take a look at these websites.

We also offer stretch get flex classes, dance and pilates. (Watch this space for workshops and retreats).


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Yin Yoga tonight ! 630. $10 Scarborough Tennis centre

Living Life Better

Living Life Better

Yin Nidra $10 #findthespace #findthestretch SCARBOROUGH Community Centre 6:30pm Thursday's

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You in Balance's cover photo

You in Balance's cover photo

I think it’s possible for ordinary people to choose to be extraordinary. —ELON MUSK

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We're back in our 2nd year! Lets get our stretch on. #move.Breath.stretch

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Happy new year yinsters. Love Lauren

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On a day like today When we find out this way The soul shock of loss We are far from the boss Our lives day by day We hope and we pray For gone too it has to be Shock saddended for she. ~Loshylauren~Dec 16 Life is always balancing... Yin Yang Birth Death RIP Yin Yogi friend Tabitha Dean. I met Tabitha on my Yin Yoga training in Koh samui Christmas Day 2015. She was the first person that spoke up in training and immediately I knew she and I would be friends. We shared tea on my balcony, three of us lay on my bed chanting and she introduced me to some beautiful mantras. We ate together each meal. She spent new years 2015 on the beach welcoming a new year releasing the past. We left koh samui in a taxi to the airport together sharing stories of our further travels to be had. Tabitha passed away in India on Christmas Day 2016 , in her favorite place. Im deeply saddened by this news and i find gratitude for our friendship and try hard to find that yin acceptance of this news. May my thoughts and love be with her family.

Smoothie today: using my beloved vitamix frozen banana filtered water Cocoquench (cocnut rice milk blend) a handful of frozen spinach raw protein rice/pea powder organic frozen blueberries Blend some Ice in to thicken Tip: I buy the ready to eay spinach in a bag fresh and throw it in the freezer as is. Open and use when needed. So easy!!


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