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Yvette Allen Counselling

17 Montview Parade, Hornsby Heights, Australia



Yvette is registered with Resource Therapy International as a Clinical Resource Therapist and a certified trainer   She is also a qualified Counselor, Clinical Hypnotherapist, and Master Practitioner and Trainer of Hypnosis, NLP and Time Line Therapy. We all have struggles in life, and it can be easy to become overwhelmed by your problems.  I have found that most people struggle with issues around one or more of what I call the "Six S's": Stress, Smoking, Shape, Sleep, Self Esteem and Stuck. No matter what your 'S' is, I am devoted to helping you turn your "S" word into "Success".


Blog :: Yvette Allen

Toxic Employees! So what are the different types of Toxic Employees and how can they affect your business. I wonder how many people have suddenly found that their practice sick leave has increased, or perhaps you have a high turnover of employees, or you are losing your best employees. The morale in the practice has dropped. Your patients are beginning to complain that the staff were rude or curt with them. Or perhaps you are finding that the workplace is feeling strained and all the staff seem to be stressed, and indeed perhaps you too are feeling the atmosphere and are becoming stressed or aware of a change. Perhaps your referrals are going down, or the type of patients you are being referred are different. If you have answered yes to any of these questions, there is a strong likelihood that you have a toxic employee within the mix. Toxic employees can cause serious damage to your business. They are like a virus that spreads disharmony and counterproductive attitudes or actions to other employees. To read more about different types of toxic employees, visit

Resource Therapy is a therapeutic approach which recognises that your personality is made up of parts. Sometimes a part of you may want one thing, yet another part of you wants something completely different. For instance, a part of you may want to lie back on the couch and just be a couch potato, while another part of you wants to get up and finish your emails, or catch up with other jobs on your to do list. So many people suffer because they keep repeating behaviours that they don't want to do. How many times have you said to yourself "I know I shouldn't ______ but I just can't stop myself." There are an unlimited number of issues that can fit in that “blank”. A few examples I've seen in my practice include: unwanted behaviours, or emotions, complicated grief, relationship issues, and behaviours like smoking, drinking, gambling, drug addictions, eating problems, OCD, and even nail biting! Resource Therapy is a great tool to use in these situations. Resource Therapy works with the part that needs it and not with the part that brings you to therapy, therefore it does not take an extended time to start the important work or returning the state to a healthy normal state. Sometimes we can hold a part in the conscious that is purely there to protect you from an unwanted emotions or behaviours. These unwanted negative emotions are perceived as being so terrible that a protective part of you will do almost anything to protect you from having to feel them, such as alcohol abuse, gambling or even comfort eating. How exciting to know that there is an underlying cause for these unwanted behaviours and they can be treated! As your Resource Therapist, I will support the part of you that is doing the unwanted behaviour while assisting the part of you that is holding on to the negative feelings in coming to the realisation that it no longer needs to hang on to whatever it was that caused it to feel so bad in the first place. My role is to facilitate the process of re-empowering the Resource State that is hanging on to the negative feelings. I will help facilitate the negotiation of a new role for the part that has been doing the 'negative' behaviour role that will be useful and even enjoyable while still being protective or helpful to you at appropriate times. Find out more at

Resource Therapy Training Bali

Resource Therapy Training Bali

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Yvette Allen Counselling's cover photo

Yvette Allen Counselling

Yvette Allen Counselling - hypnotherapist, NLP practitioner and certified in Resource Therapist and Time Line Therapy.

Yvette Allen Counselling


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