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Ainslie Bryce -Feel Myotherapy

254 Darebin Road, Fairfield, Australia
Medical & Health



Myotherapy helps people move better and be pain free. Using massage therapy, cupping & dry needling to improve muscle tone, blood flow, health & wellness!


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Oh what a beautiful morning 🎶 oh what a beautiful day 🎵 I've got a beautiful feeeeeeeeling- everything's going my way 🎶🌾🌾🌾

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Our last full work day in Mildura. I have come so far in this week and done so much... don't get me wrong I didn't get things done and I have lots to work on when I get home... what a change I've gone through though. Thanks to everyone who was part of the leg of my journey xxx

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So we are back in the room, working feverishly on our businesses. We have celebrated, cursed, and cussed. The internet is being nasty, but then its kind to us too. The one thing we always come back to is just take one step at a time. We keep moving forward, sharing ideas, reading each others copy for a webinar, Facebook post or what ever it is we need someone to proof read for us. This week has been an unreal ride with people of the same ilk, we have all been there, we are all heading there. We all want to help people is some way shape or form. We want to share our knowledge and tools to get our message out to people who want what we have. Only when we sit back and share do I realise how lucky I am to have these generous, wonderful, kind, beautiful, inspiring, hungry for success and soulful women around me. We have this week as our connection. It will grow and breakdown and replant and grow again. Thanks Nicola Moras for getting us together in the room - onward and upward... — Products shown: Myotherapy.

Get up part 2

Get up part 2

Get up

Get up

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Ready to change? If not, keep doing what you're doing.

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This quote may seem a bit naff, but it's true. So I'm here to offer my skill, knowledge, experience to help you change to be a better version of you. Not for any reason, person, job, but just because... so put your details down to join Stretch School in 2017... let's change for our own health and sanity! Keep moving and stretching. You will benefit.

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The balance between family time and me time is a myth. We all need to look after ourselves so we can look after our families... so choose something that makes you feel good. Do something simple. Do something while you are looking after your family (yes multi task). Fill your cup so it over flows and you can fill your family's cup. Love & light to you all, keep moving and stretching!

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The family and balance myth was our choice. To have a child is to have a *juggle in our lives. It is a fabulous *juggle to deal with everyday, as it was an eye opener this afternoon when I was talking to a lady who doesn't have that choice. Maybe I am blessed to have my small family, some people can't! Yet I still find time in my day for me, so I can have the best of all worlds... *juggle: as in time, space, emotions, money, work, where to live, where to go on holidays, what to do on the weekends...

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The Family & Balance Myth was tested this afternoon when I picked up my daughter from kinder & she had a melt down when I said we have dancing this afternoon! So we are bow home resting... we need to listen to our kids more often sometimes!

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Got a pain in the neck...?

Got a pain in the neck...?

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Sometimes I feel overwhelmed with family commitments. No matter what happens I can always find some down time during my day, with or without my family around, to do a little something for me. I ask you to do the same. Find some time in your day to do something for yourself - go for a walk. Have a drink of water. Stretch. Move, without doing housework or child rearing. Scream into a pillow, because it feels good to scream without attaching emotion to it. Love Ainslie

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