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Danuta - Clairvoyant Medium Tarot Sydney

164 Burwood Road , Concord, Australia
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Anne Hartley/Love Your Life Project

Star bright angels

Star bright angels

Power of Positivity

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Wednesday July 20 "Making an agreement stick…" MOON INTO AQUARIUS: Did you do your forgiveness ceremony yesterday? It's so crucial to use this phase in the lunar cycle to release anything which doesn't make you happy. Why forgiveness is crucial for manifesting … It’s important to note that in order to realize our dreams via New Moon manifesting, we need to have released any grudges or upsets that we have against anyone. That’s just how it works. The Full Moon is also the ideal time to practise forgiveness and gratitude. We can use the Full Moon phase (which we are still in) to process the following: • Negative emotions • Fears • Upsets • Arguments • Disappointments • Dramas • Wrongdoings So who do you need to forgive? Do it now. Send them love. Accept they did their best. This will free you up energetically for better times ahead. Today's Planets: Moon in Aquarius, Venus trine Saturn Aquarius Cosmic Extras Top 3 affirmations: 1. ‘I am connected to all life everywhere.’ 2. ‘I love my friends and my friends love me.’ 3. ‘My dreams are now manifesting, under grace in perfect ways.’ Essential Oil to use: Frankincense Mantra: Om. Chant it out loud or silently Chakra: The Third Eye, aka Ajna Goddess: Isis, the great Goddess Angel: Uriel, the illuminating archangel Cosmic Ray: The pink-orange 11th ray is a combination of rays 1, 2, and 5

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David Wolfe

David Wolfe

Deepak Chopra

Max Coppa

Max Coppa

Doreen Virtue

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Monday July 18 "How to forgive someone " MOON IN CAPRICORN: It could be argued that being angry is better than feeling helpless and hopeless. However, anger should be seen merely as a stepping stone on the way back to wellness – which is when you no longer harbour any upset against someone. Sometimes you can forgive and forget. Sometimes you can only forgive but you can’t forget. And sometimes you can forgive but it’s not even wise to forget. We’re all human and we all make mistakes; we’re all fighting our own personal battles. And just to repeat: forgiving someone for what they did does not make what they did right. It means you’ve dealt with it and can now move on. When we’re upset with someone – when we’re furious, or bitter or twisted – we start to shut down our functions. The signals we’re sending out are more in tune with our anger than they are with anything else. And these signals have a big impact on how our life unfolds. Remember, according to the Law of Attraction, like attracts like. So when we’re angry, we’re giving out bad vibes. When we forgive, we give out much cleaner, purer and happier vibes, and when we do that, it’s much easier to manifest our dreams. This time of the month as we approach the Full Moon is the time to forgive someone and release the karma. Today's Planets: Moon in Capricorn Capricorn Cosmic Extras Top 3 affirmations: 1. ‘I am going places!’ 2. ‘It’s wonderful to be so successful!’ 3. ‘I love seeing my plans work out!’ Essential Oil to use: Laurel Mantra: Ram. Chant it out loud or silently Chakra: The solar plexus chakra, aka Manipura Angel: Azrael, angel of transition Goddess: Juno, Goddess of commitment Cosmic Ray: A combination of rays 1, 2, and 4, and gold

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