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CrossFit Valve

2 Wilson Avenue, Belmore South, Australia
Gym/Physical Fitness Center



CrossFit Valve is more than just a gym, we are a community driven strength and conditioning program with a focus on achieving life-changing results. Personal Trainer - Physical Fitness


Just in time for our new strength classes 💪

Before starting at Valve I didn't understand the meaning of "The community is what differentiates CrossFit" I just thought it's a place to get fitter and stronger. However there are moments when you finally realise how amazing the statement really is. After last nights workout and when we finally got out breaths back and wiped the sweat off our faces this statement rang true as I looked around the class at all the other faces. Different nationalities, religions, body types, different strengths and somehow under the same roof it all becomes irrelevant. We all have three goals 1️⃣To be happy 2️⃣To get healthy and fit 3️⃣To have fun every night! I wouldn't have met the amazing people I have met at Valve. We all support and motivate each other and have a laugh along the way and that's a community anyone would be proud to be amongst. No one is better than anyone else, some can do muscle ups and others like me can't do a pull-up 😀 but it will happen eventually. I also believe our amazing coaches make us want to be apart of this amazing community, they make us see that we can do absolutely anything and push us to our limits, you can sense how happy they are for us. CrossFit Valve you are truly amazing ❤️

MONDAY MOTIVATION - everyone has their own special and unique health and fitness journey. Take a look at how Moysis turned his life around. He now attends crossfit Valve 1-2 times a day and has also brought his children along so they too can learn to live a fit and healthy life. We are all so proud of how far you have come Moysis. MY JOURNEY About 4 years ago, I was driving to work and realized I was in immense pain, so I drove myself to the nearest hospital. At the hospital I was seen and diagnosed with heart disease; a nicer way of saying this is “I had a heart attack” My doctor sent me for an angiogram. The procedure was abruptly stopped because the doctor said I had 3 blocked arteries to which I will need a bypass. I was extremely scared and worried. While I waited for the doctor to come and speak with me, I contemplated on things I had done wrong in my life to come to this point. My diet habits, smoking and lack of exercise were things I thought of. I thought what if I have a second chance to do it all better! Well the doctor came and told me that although uncommon; he would put stents in, instead of a bypass. However this would be up to me to change my lifestyle in order for the stents to work. At this point I had decided I would make the changes to my lifestyle to ensure this works. When admitted to Canterbury Hospital I weighed 138kg. I came out of the Hospital with 5 stents and a new lease on life! I started by eliminating my daily intake of soft drinks (Coke Cola), stopped smoking. I really looked after myself by eating better and healthier and also walking everywhere. I joined a gym. For once I felt I was doing everything right and felt amazing. I was seeing results and my achievements felt great. I started exercising 5 days a week, drinking lots of water and walking lots. I basically kept up the exercise, diet and changed my lifestyle as per the rehabilitation nurses’ and doctors’ recommendations. My weight came down to 113kg and I began to lose my drive for self-improvement. The gym became a chore rather than fun and exciting. I put that down to the fact that I couldn’t get anyone to come to the gym with me. Even thou I offered to pay for membership, I still had no takers to come to the gym with me. I started to worry as I recalled the psychiatrist had said at the rehab “90% of discharged heart attack patients revert to their preadmission lifestyle”. This meant weight gain and I sincerely had no interest in being one of them. I was frantically looking for an alternative to keep myself motivated. Something that was fun, exciting, engaging and a place where no one would judge my level of fitness or the lack off. By sheer chance I saw the CrossFit Valve sign whilst driving home. I made the call, they told me to come and give it a go. I took the offer to try it out and ever since than I have never looked back. CrossFit Valve provided me with the confidence to be able to do activities which I believed my body wasn’t equipped to do. It provided me with lots of inspiration and confidence. I felt motivated to workout with all the support of all the athletes around me. I enjoyed the WODS immensely daily. I eagerly waited to attend the classes the following day or I went twice a day and ate balanced meals and followed a routine. Health and fitness became a goal and focus. In the past 18 months I have gained a lot of strength and achieved better health. CrossFit has provided me with camaraderie and great team spirit. To be called an athlete when I never played any sport prior to CrossFit was an achievement on its own. I have a great sense of self-worth. CrossFit has made me put my health first. It has also taught me to look after and listen to my body. This is me today building better health and choosing a lifestyle that has given me a greater sense of achievement and a positive outlook to life.

Everything you have ever wanted is one step outside your comfort zone. Stop wishing and start doing. #Crossfit #Valve #Goals #6WeekChallenge #Dedication

How far can you jump? @nat_niwri with a 2.46m jump today #Valve #BroadJump #SlowMo

Take a sneak peak into one of Sydney's Premium CrossFit Gyms.

RX extras today include 100m sprints🏃🏽 #Sprints #Run #Fast #Extras #Valve

6 week challenge starts Saturday! Tag your workout buddy, sign up for the challenge and work hard together for 6 weeks👫 #Valve #Crossfit #Challenge #Buddy #Fitness #Fun

Set some goals and demolish them 💪🏽if you're unsure how to achieve your goals come and have a chat to one of the coaches☺️ we are all here to help you #Valve

Shoutout to these valve beasts who not only challenge theirselves in the crossfit box but also outside of the crossfit box doing true grit and tough mudder together 💪🏽 #ValveBeasts

Wishing our girl @_christinageorges the best of luck in Canada 💜 we will miss you and your swag and your beautiful self at valve! Can't wait for you to come back in two years 💜

Belly of the Beast 2.0 movement standards released 🦁 MOVEMENT STANDARDS One partner must be able to do the following: ADVANCED Snatch 60/40kg Clean and Jerk 80/60kg Chest to bar pull-up Wall ball 9/6kg Toes to bar Double Under HSPU Ring dip KB swing 32/24kg Thruster 60/40kg Overhead squat 60/40kg Ski Row KB-swing 32/24kg Burpee OPENS Single skip Sit-up Wall ball 9/6kg Box jump 24/20" Thruster 40/30kg Push-up Deadlift 60/40kg Snatch 35/20kg Ski Row KB-swing 24/16kg Burpee Head to to register today 💪🏽 limited places so don't risk missing out #BellyOfTheBeast


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