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True Value Innovators

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Consulting/business service



Truly innovate facilitation.
“Not that we can predict the future, but we can facilitate to shape it and learn you to do this on a continuous basis.”
With almost 20 years solid business experience, Sonja is passionate to help organizations to be different AND future proof, to create sustainable added   value and to innovate in a meaningful way.

“Not that we can predict the future, but we can facilitate to shape it and learn you to do this on a continuous basis.”

I help organizations to accomplish the necessary strategic innovation, as well as profound innovations of processes, communications, services, collaboration and projects, to stay successful in the current dynamic economic context.

To innovate truly ask for a structured and efficient process. I adapt a process, always custom made for each assignment, by balancing (business) design and MBA thinking. Together with my profound business experience, I really can make the difference, since I deeply understand the real problems, concerns and obstacles in an organizational context.

A lean start up mindset is key and increase the effectiveness of the hands-on tools like (business) design thinking, service design, and other techniques that are applied in innovation assignments. I also have a profound knowledge about new business models, since I’m very passionate to follow all the new tendencies. With my extended business network, I also can help to match up organizations if during/after the innovation process other insights or partnerships are needed.

I’m a certified ànd experienced innovator. Several start-ups, organizations, local governments, special interest groups,...already did use my skills. Additional experience and business insights come from my previous jobs, where I did rebuild organizations, rethought strategies and projects, did generate and set up new businesses, business ideas, projects, services and products from scratch. This way I discovered my talent and passion for innovation.

I have degrees in strategic innovation and business design thinking: i.a. Stanford University, Maryland University and the Design Thinking Academy of Amsterdam.


we helpen u verduurzamen | daŭranta

True Value Innovator Koen Vandromme is very proud at True Value Innovator Sonja Put, who did get from a client the first results from a cool project she did work on. Sabine Martens - Typedieet will, together with daŭranta, set up a catering network, first in Belgium (on long term in whole Europe, and of course when Sonja is helping them, she is dreaming of setting it up in the USA... :-)), with healthy, sustainable food catering, based on the principles of ‘Het Typedieet’, sustainable foodprint, fresh local seasonal products. Go to to order your first healthy catering offer! Vision is the same as Noma!

Suiker is vergif ! | daŭranta

We True Value Innovators are proud about you both Sabine Martens - Typedieet Chris Derudder. This is just the beginning of a much bigger story! And since I have many new ideas: beware!

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If you want to know what Business Design Thinking is, and so the best way to shape your companies future, to truely innovate and to become future proof: just read Marcel Proust (he isn't on facebook around anymore):

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Quote of the day:

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Beste uitspraak van een lezing in de Warande: de technologische ontwikkelingen gaan zo snel, de overheid moet sneller worden en wendbaarder. Kunnen we als True Value Innovators enkel beamen. Wij zijn er klaar voor om de overheid hiermee te helpen? Zijn zij er klaar voor? Dat eigenlijk op dit moment het belangrijkste waarover de overheid moet nadenken...Begroting ok. Maar wanneer durft een politieker eens gaan spreken over een wendbare overheid, met rechtzekerheid voor iedereen? Vlot, efficient, dynamisch,...In Singepore doen ze dat ondertussen beter. Wie had dat ooit gedacht?

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Geert Noels had de ontslagronde bij ING voorspeld

Nothing stays forever. Sad but reality. A real good analyse of Geert Noels. True Value Innovators analyses: you have as a company to rethink yourself on the moment you're still making profit. Never before was a time in which so many things did change so fast. This era can been seen as more disruptive then all the previous industrial revolutions, with a before and an after. The networked and digital revolution is going so fast that we don’t have any clue anymore what the future will bring. The past doesn’t give indications for the future anymore. The world is becoming more and more flat, we are all connected, worldwide ecosystems and relation driven platforms will determine the future. Disruptive and game changing new business models are popping up, and will change the economic landscape forever. The economic cycle will go faster in an unpredictable way, like never seen before. To become future proof asks NOW, for every company, employee, parent and kid, a different set of skills – like agility and creativity – and a different mindset – like continuous (business) design, service and innovative re-thinking.

Innovatie is van levensbelang - NOVI Hogeschool

Why does True Value Innovators facilitate processes of strategic new business model thinking and generation in organizations: this article explains it very well.


Verkoper van zwembaden. En salami.

Business Model Generation

‘Een iPhone waarvan de batterij niet te vervangen is: dat pakt niet meer’

China wacht niet

Ik ga onze missie veranderen: the era which is coming in the era which is already among us.

Do no harm, don't discriminate: official guidance issued on robot ethics

If there are already guidelines to not discriminate self-learning robots (there even are already action groups for the wellbeing of robots). Then you know: the new era is already here! Great! Lots of opportunities if you change your mindset and skills.


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